Here’s that little S&W .22 mag I was talking about awhile back

Here’s the S&W .22 magnum or WMR whatever, now if you don’t mind .22 mag it can be very effective especially with the red tip Hornady’s I keep in it, it’s very light weight and I’m liable to have it on me anytime and anywhere. Since I know how to post pics I can show what I’m talking about. I’ll try to post a pic of the Standard very concealable .22 mag that prints a small square if anything at all. BTW the S&W is NOS made in the 1980’s still in the box my son found it in some gun gang or club he’s in.



[/grid] IDK what happened to them they was there a minute ago


I have seen those credit card ones they just make me a little nervous … :boom: :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:


Oh yea me to my buddy got his dad one for Christmas, he said it worked. I’m sure it has a purpose. Talk about concealment man, in your shirt pocket?! lol Now that’s concealing something! I’m a big .22 mag guy, don’t got much use for a LR but if it’s a .22 mag I’m buying it. I’ve got a top of the line Marlin bolt action at my sons house it’s a 5 something ( 5 hundred something model # ) and I have a lot of 22 mags, I’ve got the KelTec PMR30 30 shot handgun that weighs a pound loaded and it’s like a cannon lol. Here’s a very good .22 mag truck gun that folds up in its own back pak

. It’s a Chiappa little Badger and it’s threaded for a suppressor and you can get a scope and vertical grip for it.Heres the keltec with a couple other pocket pals, a 380 and a 32.
![IMG_0029|375x500](upload://uzJf8G555bXlmXrqbVcvpTLrJ1T.jpeg. With those pocket pouch holsters they don’t print , maybe like a wallet)

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Ooh, l like the black Smitty hammerless, stubby and the Badger in 380, personally.

They are both in .22 mag tho, the little KelTec is .380 and the other one is in .32, but the 30 round bigger KelTec is .22 mag also. The little Badger is real nice for a truck rifle. It folds up and has a little backpack with it and holds rounds in the skeletal stock back plate

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Was looking at the badger as a trophy after winning at the casino
But ended up picking the anniversary 10/22

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Nice “stash”!!!

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Oh yea that 1022 is much better , the Badger is more or less a hiking :hiking_boot:/ backpack thing or truck gun, it was only like 200 bucks, I would rather someone get into my truck and take the badger than the 10/22 any day. Most of them are .22 LR but I ordered the magnum

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Every-time I shoot it I will remember that I walked out with money in my pocket


Unfortunately the days of 2 cent per round 22lr are long gone so every time you shoot it money will be walking back out of your pocket:( But it still is way less expensive than the other calibers these days:)

Congrats on the good luck and the new addition! I really like my trusty old 10/22.

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I like the idea of the S&W .22wmr revolver. More capacity than a .38 and more umph than a 22lr.

The NAA folding revolver is an interesting design. But I question just how useful it would be from a self defense perspective. It is going to be relatively slow to get into action, have a slow rate of fire (compared to a conventiaonal DA revolver), limited capacity and limited range. I probably would rather reach for a fixed blade knife or even a folding knife in most of the situations where the NAA might come in handy.


Statistically more people are killed with .22LR than any other caliber. I don’t know what that says but .22LR can do the job. I did read about an old Indian woman in Canada who had killed every type of animal that grows in Canada with a .22LR rifle with a broken stock. No mention of how many animals got away wounded but she had been hunting with that rifle for so long and knew just where the bullet had to hit that she was very successful at gathering game. No mention was made of any humans she might have had to shoot but I suspect in her community seeing her with that .22 and knowing what she could do with it she probably got a lot of respect.

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I wasn’t saying a .22 couldn’t be a useful self defense tool. I was just commenting that the folding NAA revolvers have some distinct tactical disadvantages vs other self defense tools.

If I remember right the woman who took out the very big bear was using a rifle that she was already holding in her hands. Even with a broken stock I suspect I would be much more accurate with the rifle than with a micro pistol without sights. More importantly the bear didn’t realize she was there and had its head facing broadside to her at a very close distance allowing for a very precise shot at a weak spot in the bear’s skull. Having to pull out, unfold, cock, fire and hit a critical spot against an aggressive attacker already moving on you would make for a bit more difficult shot I would think. Though either situation would likely leave me with a need to change my shorts afterwards.

If I was forced to choose between taking on an attacker at typical self defense distances armed with a small caliber, very short barreled, folding SA revolver or an attacker armed with a decent knife I would probably choose the one with the NAA.


Oh that’s just what I had sitting around because I didn’t feel like moving stuff around to get into my two safes. I just figured out with help how to post pics on here

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Because you can pump so many in someone so fast probably I would think, and that River MK whatever is probably what they are coming out of mostly in those stats. And supressed look out ! But I am a .22 magnum guy ( RUGER ) I hate how these phones think they can read your mind

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This is pretty irrelevant to self defense

Remember, “the job” isn’t killing, “the job” is stopping a violent attacker as quickly as possible.

There is a reason you will find probably literally 0 police or professional armed anybody in the United States relying on .22lr for anything besides assassinating/culling animals in specific (generally controlled) circumstances that are intentionally created…nothing like self defense


Oh I’ve got a couple .22 LRs , I have one of those revolvers I forgot the name but the box shows like civil war soldiers firing a cannon and they are made in America and just cost like 150 bucks but anyhow It came in .22 LR and I called the company and got the magnum cylinders as well and it’s ok forccc C t

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