Great article about Trump offering Nat. GUARD, Pelosi declined, then scapegoated Capitol Police Chief for Jan 06

This kind of rhetoric is completely unacceptable here. I have been one of the biggest loudmouths here re: free speech. This is factually false and intended to incite violence. Shame on you.


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Then own the rhetoric. People (including me) have been put in timeout on this platform for a lot less. You should get your eye’s checked because nothing even close to what you are spewing happened.

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What do you think is going to happen this November, when a little less than 50% Americans refuse to accept the election results?

nvm, no need to answer.

When Prez. Trump wins, we expect the left (that’s you) to burn, pillage and riot.
That’s what we are preparing for. :scream:


That was a given in 2020. Not at all confident we have fixed the election fraud issue yet, and now they are more deeply ensconced than ever, with all the might of an enforcement arm to back them.


You have been on this platform all of eleven days. This isn’t Facebook. Take your bile elsewhere.


Never show them weakness, Brother, think positive. :slightly_smiling_face:


I am POSITIVE I am not at all confident we have fixed the election fraud issue, how’s that? :roll_eyes:


That’s part of the problem these days. The people running our Country are IMMUNE to scrutiny, thus, no accountability. MSM help to cover everything up. We have to be proactive in finding out what they’re up to. NO MORE SPOON FEEDING of PROPAGANDA.

Another troll set to ignore. :slightly_smiling_face:


You are simply acting like a troll. Are you even a USCCA member or are you a paid schill? What do you mean “hide current events”? Roaches :cockroach: don’t like sunlight


Oh, you caught that little candid camera thing huh?


apparently I get flagged for responding to people calling me names, so I will just flag them back.

I did, and I didn’t get it from the MSM like NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC or CNN as I doubt they would cover something as devastating to the Dems as this. I got it from a channel that gives factual NEWS MAX-imum coverage.

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Welcome to the community Robert.

With all due respect, I would like to defend Joseph, in that we are all at different mile markers on the path to political enlightenment.

Four years ago I knew nothing about politics here in the United States and abroad. I was too busy earning a living. Now that I have retired, I have had the time and opportunity to research a lot more on my own, and it has been a terrifying journey.

While I may not agree with his understanding of the current state of affairs, I also see a lot more people who are seeing things as they really are, as opposed to what they are being fed, and I am encouraged.

I’m willing to let Joseph figure it out on his own. No one here will be re-evaluating their understanding of the political landscape if they are attacked by the other side, they will only become more resolute in their beliefs. We need more people who are actively SEEKING the truth.

Glad you have joined the conversation.


Well, clearly I am a Never Trumper. There are reasons for that. I have voted Republican in the past, but I am definitely not a Republican either.

I do not jump on any conspiracy bandwagon (anymore), especially after being mislead by the news media who said a person wearing a MAGA hat was insulting a Native American.

I read multiple news sources. However, based on the second chart on this web page, that means little today. I do not buy into MSM. I cannot be convinced over 15 media sources are intended to mislead others.

Trust in Media 2022: Where Americans get their news and who they trust for information | YouGov

Other than that, I believe everyone should be treated respectfully in recognition of differences (including those that are LGBTQ, which I am not). Which is why I blew up when being called a koolaid drunk. By the way, this is why I am a Never Trumper. If anyone goes against him, he immediately bullies them. I don’t need the news to tell me this. I just need to watch his speeches and read his tweets.

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And if anyone goes against a Clinton, they get Arkan-cided.


I voted for Ross Perot in both elections.