Flashlight on a handgun

@Zavier_D Thank you for not going completely off the handle on me on this subject. We all have our opinions and ways of doing things that are right for us.

We can “What if?” ourselves into a coma if we choose to do so, and my favorite “What if?” question is What if canaries carried Uzi’s? Cat wouldn’t mess with them. Then there is what if the cats had mini-guns? Then the canaries would have A-10s. It just goes on and on and on…

Your “what if?” about badguy_001 having NODS is reasonable, however unlikely, in a normal home invasion situation, in my opinion. That is only my opinion.

Very true words from end to end. I do have high lumen tactical lights mounted on my HD Shotty and on my Sub2K. They both have strobe functions. I agree strobes can be very disorienting. I do not, however, have any light “permanently” affixed to my EDC pistol. I do have some sort of illumination device available most times during the day just on the off chance I may need to peek into a dark hole somewhere.


Is there a way that I can remove thread? I didn’t mean for it to start arguments. Just curious if the thread can be removed or not, once started.

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Does the forum program archive a thread after a period of no activity?

These are not arguments. Spirited discussion on different viewpoints. There is no name calling. No threats. Zavier_D and I have different viewpoints on the weapons mounted light (WML) issue. I see his points and I can only hope he sees mine. He made a comment that covers it: Some do. Some don’t. Some will. Some won’t. I might.

The key points being made from both sides are this: This is how I do it. This is my opinion.

My plan is my plan. Not yours. Not his.
His plan is his plan. Not yours. Not mine.
Your plan is your plan. Not his. Not mine.

The truly disappointing fact about forums like this is that we have such a wide variety of experience and backgrounds that no two opinions are exactly alike. Also, we cannot judge a commenter’s true feeling simply by reading the words. If Zavier_D and I were neighbors and we engaged in this same conversation while knocking back a few cold beverages at a Saturday afternoon picnic, we might sling a few alcohol induced slurs back and forth, but we would, in the end, still eat barbeque together and continue with the frosty beverages, moving on to different subjects. It is just the way it is.

My opinion is there is no reason to delete this thread. The administrators may think differently.


THIS is what gets us Gunner’s in trouble. If everyone posting, asking questions, Creating Topics just takes a second before firing off a reply, rebuttal , snarky comment THINKS for a second: 'This comment was his/hers/it’s OPINION ’ (usually), unless otherwise stated by the poster 'YOU SHOULD… That’s Stoopid… We could have more informative discussions and less hurt feelings… MY OPINION (see?)
is Brian Five-Ten and Marksix-Niner-seven is EXCELLENT discussion! good topic, good statements! You ALL (commenters/posters) created a lively discussion …somebody wise (probably fertilizer now) once said: ‘The only stoopid question is the one unasked’ We are here to learn, grow and become a family of sorts. I don’t come here to stir the SH–! I come here for the Brotherhood/Sisterhood I can’t find in my area.
I personally don’t use a light on my sidearm. If there is a bump in the night and I investigate it is Dark and deadly (for me). In a single floor /single family home my place has plenty of windows w/ shades up @ night (for natural illumination) My neighbor has more candle power than necessary so I use that to my advantage. The moving shadows I will see are the TARGET(s). I don’t have children and my family member knows the drill to hole up in her room watching my back w/ her weapon. Her job is to make sure we don’t get surprised by a pincer move.

I did use a flash bang once and it deafened the Cat…

I watch my back now.
(sarc) :rage:


Down at the bottom, under the last reply, where it probably says “tracking” you can update that to “normal” or “Muted” and move away from the thread

Absolutely agree with you. As an aside, there is no heat from my side of it. WML’s have been discussed here many times.

I’ve been a forum poster here since this forum was founded and a forum poster when this forum was hosted by DisQus. So certain topics get discussed once or twice a year as new members engage on topics that are important to them. I enjoy the interplay of viewpoints on a “new” topic.

Some love WML, some don’t. I like them, so I will say why I like them. But others do not. It’s not something I’m going to go to the mattresses for though.

No arguments here. I think it’s a good viewpoint to discuss.


Well put from all the above resposes. I do find and absorb all the different opinions, and understand completely that each his/her own opinion is what works for them. All of the opinions and advise is greatly appreciated. Same goes for the disagreements, everyone here that are members of this group, in my opinion are in a fellowship, a group of people with like minded opinions, or vise versa different opinionated. Still a fellowship or we wouldn’t all be here. Again much appreciated.


Should have used spell check before responding


I am glad you are going to leave it up. We can get spirited but very rarely nasty. It is a much discussed topic. Have a good one sir.


Massad Ayoob (Wilson Combat Channel) has a great take on weapon-mounted vs hand-held lighting. Episode EP40.

IDK. Moderators probably know how to. I noticed one can edit it, and once in edit mode, you can shorten it, and there is a X icon, but I don’t now what happens if you click in the X. Guessing even if one edits it, all the remaining replies are there forever.

I don’t use a light on mine but can appreciate those who like having them.

Like so many things, weapon mounted lights can be really good but are not for everybody. Yes, I have a WML that go on my firearm based on what I’m doing and where I’m going and what firearm I’m carrying. It can be helpful at times and other times it is not.


My most recent need for added light was for seeing my Bible in church. Suddenly, the tiny coin flashlight included with my Bible+EDC bag made sense. But I also have a 600 lumen Surefire in there for other potential uses.

I added lasers to pistols to ease aiming, but just checked in a mirror, and they do indeed work great for lighting me up as a target too. Fortunately, my laser sights only power on when I specifically want them to.

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Home defence firearms, some have a light.

I only have one WML for a handgun and will swap it to the platform of preference for for carry every now and then, more so if I know I will be out more at low light.

The light I have, a TLR1-HL, 1000 lumen and its bright…

People are worried about a flashlight giving away their position, so I have them perform a simple test, holding the TLR1-HL in their hand, turn it on, close their eyes, and angle the light towards their face, most stop before its even pointed fully at them because its so bright…

Then I tell them, imagine you were in the dark, eyes accustomed to the dark and somone hit you in the face with that light…

You wont be seeing anything…

Within the first 23 seconds of the video, the player using the strobe light with the green laser.

Night games playing paintball, QCB, lots of people shooting back…

Using strobe lights or high intensity lights with various beam patterns, none of the opposing team could shoot at me very well, reason being, even with some distance, the power if the light during the night, blinded the other players to where when the tried to look forward, all they saw was black spots and their vision was limited to the outside edges of their sight, aka, they could only see what was beside them not in front of them…

If you use too low power of a light, it will give you away no problem.

However inside of 20yards, those 1000 lumen TLR1-HL are amazing, especially on strobe mode…


Everyone keeps saying they don’t want to advertise their position by using a WML. Am I missing something? Just because you have a WML does not mean it HAS to be turned on all the time or even at all. What is wrong with using a little discretion based on your current situation?


I would agree with many comments. I have one on my Home defense gun, but I do not have one on my CCW. I used to carry one on my handgun for about a year, but then went back to just the hand held when I went to a red dot on my ccw.


Just wanted to repeat and amplify this comment.

My WML is an additional tool. There is a choke point in my home that has cover, not concealment, cover. That everytime my alarm or my dog has alerted, I can and do use to cover that choke point.


Sometimes I wonder if I should make such a place in my home. Then again I don’t live in a heavy crime area. Breaking glass and my two yappy dogs are noisy enough of an alarm. Bedroom door faces the stairs they would have to come up to get to us. Neighbors security light back lights decently through a window. They wouldn’t last long.

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My home defense pistol/bed side gun is equipped with a Streamlight TLR-8 light and laser combo. I have it set where the bright light has a red laser dot in the middle of the beam.

The way my house is set up, I can take a shot down the 15 yard long axis while barely exposing more than my pistol and half of my face around a corner.

That is just one scenario of course. I practice this at the range, as I do shooting from cover, using the dot to get hits, then turning off the light and moving back behind cover.

Still, it is just another tool in the kit. Tactically speaking, shooting from darkness using traditional holds and aiming is much more likely. With this setup, I simply have more options, but it is still just a tool and an aid.