Finding private sellers

Is there any sites online that let’s you get in touch with private sellers and buyers……seems funny to be able to buy and sell private but no resources to do so? Thank you in advance!


Gun broker?

Welcome to the Community @ConstitutionalAndy. It’s great to have you here.

One of the sites that I frequently visit is There are some great deals on there.


Welcome @ConstitutionalAndy !

MeWe has quite a few groups dedicated to buying & selling firearms.

I used to go to Armslist, but quit using it when they started charging buyers “membership” fees just to contact sellers.

3 Likes for sure.

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ARMSLIST dot com

IME the best bet is to find a local/maybe state oriented forum, or hit up a huge site like ar15 dot com or similar and use their marketplace/equipment exchange/buy and sell section.

The outdoors trader is used down here.