Ping!!! LOL. Love those guns.
Raise your hand if you’ve used a clip.
A. Abe (talks a lot)
B. Barb (is a real B)
C. Charlie (Does not play well with others)
D. David (Isn’t very smart but he is kind)
E. Eddie (Likes to jam)
F. Florence (OMG She is so dramatic)
G. Gina (She is a bad influence)
H. Harvey (Harvey is invisible)
They are some of the voices … But the ringing is really loud right now so they are quiet.
YEP. EverySingleDay. I have one holding up my hair right now.
^^^ much better than rubber bands
This should help. I have heard (on CNN) that most of us Conservatives prefer pictures over actual words. And maps with no lines.
I couldn’t have said it better. Good job!
Don’t I win a prize for saying what all of those pieces did when they were put back together. I was the first respondent. You wouldn’t want to hurt my feelings by not awarding me something, think of the children @Dawn, this could scar me for life. This is the age of participation trophy’s.
In the interest of keeping it simple, I will accept a Gold Star badge that calls me a smarty pants. I think me, @RocketPak (he has great memes), and @TexasEskimo, plus a few others, can probably take turns sharing that badge.
Ut, oh, named them, but still in pieces?
But which one’s the Thing33?
I should have known it was click bait when I was told Dawn had a sexy field stripping picture in here…All I found was a century old lady… nice cat fish.
A ‘widget’.
A ‘watchamacallit’
D is that little thing that goes flying off the end into the nether reaches of the basement when you’re not careful during field stripping.