Fellow brothers and sisters, do you store things like the food boxes?

I am a licensed ham. The FCC takes a very dim view of people operating without a license. You can buy the books for about $50 to get your Technician and General licenses. Then you are good to go on HF/UHF/VHF bands. There is a test you take for each. Depending on where you live they are typically held at ham radio stores, local ham radio clubs and elsewhere. You may want to look at www.arrl.com or connect with a nearby club (just google ham radio club) for more info.

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I have canned food from EE from 19 years ago. Sooo
 you allowed the cans to get wet and or collect moisture and they spoiled, Not EEs fault. :slightly_smiling_face:


I understand that that community has a dim view of those who do not have a license and pay the State fees, you may have missed my point, I will get my license, I have the books, my point is that when the SHTF there is no State, and I am sure that someone somewhere started out communicating with a radio and no such State licensing fee existed, I assure you, if I don’t get a chance to pay the tribute in State fees and get the State required license I will operate my base station without concern from the community.
Because it may be required for me to do so to save a life or send a message that must be sent

Again, I will get the license, but in an emergency a lot of stuff is unnecessary. I had hoped that I would not have to explain this, but there is always one.

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If you had read my post, I took very good care of the cans, they were never wet, my point here, is that cans suck, mylar is much better, the cans also expanded, some of them, I had a dehumidifier, they were in darkness, but, hey, since you know better, as there is always one that gets offended, your experience is different, ok, I can agree with that, but you acting like a Karen must not see it any other way.

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 Do you work for or sell Patriot Supply? Just curious. Hello Ken. Are you there Ken? :slightly_smiling_face:
Don’t go away mad Ken, just

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OK, OK Boyz Neutral corners (in different States possibly)
We need UNITY (not the false BS Demoncrat unity either)
JOY DAMMIT! I SAID JOY! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


A lot of hot air blowing tonight. :thinking:

What does "1st thing in the morning" mean to you? | O-T Lounge


YUP! A lotta pissin’ in da wind too! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I see your point on this, Tom, but it doesn’t always hold water because there is ALWAYS going to be some legal beagle there to ensure all the rules are followed. An example would be the Cajun Navy performing water rescues after Katrina devastated Southern Louisiana. FEMA stepped in and wagged their collective fingers. “No, no, no
 you can’t do that because you aren’t licensed.” Lots of innocent lives were lost because FEMA didn’t know where the people were, didn’t know how to get to them, didn’t have enough boats in the water.

Three years later when Ike came through Galveston and Houston flooded, The Texas Navy went to work. FEMA was not able to stop the Texas Navy because we learned what happens when The Government steps in to “help”.

I have a cousin who lives in Houston on Buffalo Bayou. The get flooded every year. His dumb self stays there. Insurance pays every year. He has become quite skilled at repairing his home.

Cousin has a pontoon boat on a trailer next to an over engineered, very tall car port (12 feet) next to his house. He has a two-brick wide cinder block wall built around both sides and the back of his pontoon boat. All his emergency gear and food are packed away in waterproof totes stored away in a room inside his house. When foul weather approaches, he and his family load everything onto the pontoon boat and on top of the car port. then is gets covered with tarps and lashed down with military grade cargo netting. Nothing gets blown off the car port.

When the water starts to come up, they move onto the pontoon boat. Flood waters raise the boat off the trailer and they just float around until the waters recede. He putters around the neighborhood helping his neighbors. He had FEMA tell him one time he couldn’t do any of that. He still does it. Every year.


We’re from FEMA, We’re here to help


RUN AWAY, RUN away, run away


@Robert1576 I only meant that getting a ham radio license is not difficult. And, if the SHTF no doubt the fcc will take over the band frequencies and those operating without a license will be known quickly. I don’t need to stick my head up at a time like that. And, if you get it now will give time for you to gather the proper solar, batteries, etc. to operate stand alone off of the grid. That’s all. I realize if it’s between my family starving or I use a ham radio without a license
 I would be on the radio whatever.

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