Family Defense: Firearms Show Love, Not Hate | USCCA

It’s amazing the kinds of things you sometimes hear — or even overhear —in conversations. Sometimes the most shocking dialogue comes from fellow Second Amendment supporters. Maybe they just haven’t thought things through. Or perhaps they randomly picked it up somewhere. But sometimes the discussions lead to some daunting conclusions about family defense.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

As always, Beth, you truly put things in the right perspective and your last sentence says it all. Thank you for helping me to have a good response to help educate others.


Thanks Ms Beth, You always say it so good. Yes, stop the threat, nothing more, nothing less. It is a shame that the world has come to this but, it seems to have. Keep spreading the faith and the articles that you share with us all. We all need bright spots, full of reasonableness in our lives. Especially, these days and times.
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