Election Day Violence

Lmao… oh yeah, thanks for reminding me​:rofl::rofl::rofl:


I will add, manufactured at great expense. For what purpose? I am thinking, the game being played is a lot more complicated than what we think, certainly, than what we see in the media.


Have you noticed that the democratic side is saying Biden is going to win, without a doubt. Then all of us Republicans are saying Trump is going to win without a doubt. So, when it comes to the final count and one is standing with a blank look on their face saying, “something is wrong here! This isn’t right!” That is when problems will rise up and conspiracies will be rolling which ever the way the rock rolls.


It’s been said, no matter what, after the election all hell is going to break loose. The dems have said that there will be fighting in the streets and not in the courts. I hate to say it, but with everything that’s going on right now, it’s more than likely going to be a very bad time in our history.

Some say it’s the start of the 2nd civil war, others say it’s the start of the 2nd revolutionary war. Either way, I know we all hope and pray that neither will happen. Pray for peace, but prepare for war.

I know we all try to train to the best of our abilities and right now it’s needed even more than in the past. Everyone should keep an open mind and at the same time keep watching your 6.


Yeah its always the end of the world. :rofl:

@Fizbin, that’s hilarious… :joy:


:joy: :joy: :rofl:

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Thank you all for your input, and continue to do so,. This has been a big concern for my wife, not as much for me locally. However, since posting this question a fist fight happened at our local Walmart between a Trump supporter and a liberal. Be vigilant and don’t let anyone entice you into a bad situation. God bless and always carry!


This guy gets it.

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I am much more concerned with the days immediately after. I think the same people rioting and looting now, will find the election results either an endorsement of their behavior or so distasteful they can’t control themselves (what justification they use is dependent upon the outcome). I also think there are people who are not involved now that will feel compelled to join at that point.


Some things to consider… many of the PDs in the article stood down and left innocent people to fend for themselves.


Maybe our country is in the shape it is because their aren’t enough descent folks to stand against the tyrants and the thugs. We have allowed ourselves to be stripped of many freedoms we once enjoyed. I was floored when folks were talking about hiding their flags to not draw attention to themselves. So being a God fearing American is now something to be ashamed of? Are you really going to let people run you off your own property in fear? If so, you just need to keep running. More like a Yellow Man or no-man-at-all.


Agree sir. Bravo


Good luck running me off my property, ain’t happening. My neighbors are the same way, we have plans for different situations, weather it be a natural disaster or SHTF. It’s a great thing living in the country with farmers that don’t take any slack.


Well, historically, they are from the same originating party. The party split into the Democratic Party and the Republican Party over maintaining slavery. The Republicans were Abolitionists.


Not in Virginia, unless it is in a school, court house, or other government building that prevents that.


@Derrick, Kamala Harris stated that the “unrest in the streets” will continue even after election day. That certainly sounds like she is condoning it, almost as if the Democratic elite are the cause of it.


Do you want to see something funny?

This will be hard to do, but go to CNN and MSNBC and compare their headlines with that of FOX , JustTheNews, and The Blaze. Out of curiosity the wife and I did this, this morning and there is NO mention of Hunter Biden, Ending Fracking, or anything else other than how the Wuhan Flu is raging because of Trump.

This is why the blue coats vote they way they do, they don’t do their due diligents, their own research and investigation, and LISTEN to what their own candidate says.

We have an in-law who is a die-heart blue coat, way way to the left and all he (and wife) ever do is talk about how great the blue coats are, By his own admission, all they ever watch is CNN as that is the only station you can trusty. Sad!


Yes, the Left is all in lockstep. “Orange Man Bad”. I watch the BBC and Sky News Australia(who is surprisingly
pro Trump and pro America). :us: :australia:
I usually get blurbs from YT from cnn, msnbc and others, sorry I cannot watch the whole “Lie fest”.


I dont recall the source, but I saw a survey/study that said those who associate with liberal only watch liberal news sources. Centrists and Conservatives watch both liberal and conservative news sources.

I think CNN is still trading on it’s reputation as “the news source” dating back to Desert Storm. They long ago went partisan (as did FOX) but many haven’t realized it yet.