Does this exist? Actual Pistol Grip


Most modern rifles we use for home defense have what are called pistol grips, but all of them have been disappointing to me. The stock AR pistol grip was uncomfortable to me. It was blocky and didn’t really fit me, so I upgraded to an ergonomic grip that was…odd once I put it on a rifle. The bottom was too wide, and it held my hand in the wrong position.

My Walther PPQ fits my hand perfectly. I can understand that perhaps a handgun might need to be gripped differently from a rifle, but it seems to me that if I could basically take the grip off of my pistol and put it on a rifle, that might be beneficial.

Is there a pistol grip for a rifle that copies an actual pistol grip?

What is the angle on the one you bought? A “standard” AR grip is 25 degrees. There are AR grips available from 0 degrees and up. The one I like is either 11 or 12 degrees as I recall. It is one of the Bravo Company grips.

I am using the Archangel precision rifle stock

I, uh, really don’t know what angles were used. As far as I could tell, the ergo grip wasn’t at a different angle, it’s just that the ergonomics were for a different hand. It held my hand down, away from the body of the rifle.