Does anyone here play Warhamer 40k?

Does anyone here do anything Warhamer related or any other miniatures games.


Chess is the only game that interests me, I did play Go a few times, my preference is for Chess.



Strangely enough, I do. Back in the 90’s I was the #1, ELO ranked player in the :earth_americas: of a CTC game (Collectable Trading Card) that WOTC (Wizards of the Coast) had a Pro Tour (Not MTG) for about a year. Alot of times, the prizes would be included store credit at a Gaming Store, so I amassed an absolutely ridiculous Eldar Army (250k points). I sold/gave the vast majority of it away. But I still have about 10k points worth of Eldar.

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Wow, no way!

If you do a search on here using Eldar we had a conversation about painting mini’s for Blood Bowl iirc and I talk about Eldar and posted some pics of my army.

Edit: added a link.

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