Do dreams reflect possible reality?

It’s actually Fight-Freeze—Flight now

I’ve been taught that dreams derive from you subconscious fears or joys (significant emotions?). I am convinced that humans have more impact on our universe than we realize. Atheist deny all of it, religious (depending on cult) only subscribe to the tenants of their own faith tradition. But I subscribe that we’ve only skimmed the surface. Only God in the end will make sense of it. I believe the Universe reveals hints of scientific evidence for belief in supernatural or extraordinary intelligent designer of it all. I’m Christian, not New Age. But if Hod is just a creation of man I still believe it’s connected to something much bigger than ourselves. That’s another mystery. I do believe in Jesus as my savior because of my many experiences involving spiritual visions from God. Several, not one or two. And I’m not crazy. I’m quite sane and very rational.


Perpendicularly parked in a parallel universe?


I have nothing to say on the dream front, but on the topic of fight, flight, or freeze, see Amanda Ripley’s book “The Unthinkable Who Survives When Disaster Strikes and Why.” It’s fascinating.


I think I read that book. It was excellent. I taught my kids much of the good stuff, such as: if you’re sitting in a movie theater and it starts filling with smoke, don’t wait for someone else to leave; get on your feet and go!


Okay, it’s late and I’ve now checked inside my closet twice!

Seriously, how many senarios can we recall, whether in movies or real-life, where someone was hiding in a closet. Perhaps your dream could serve as a wakeup call (ooh, bad pun) for all of us to be more aware and vigilant.

I have small bells hung inside every door in my house (well, some folks like wind chimes). They’ve alerted me to one unwanted guest and some light earthquakes!

Fortunately I have a cinder block wall behind my closet to provide a good backstop!

Closing my closet now…

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Same dream. re-acurring dream. but yet the dream changes. The basic location never changes, just the specific location. I am stuck trying to get out of California but, I have the inability to leave for one reason or another. From a fair grounds on fire and vehicles blocking everybody to being on a tricycle and can not peddle up the hill. I can not tell you the number of different dreams of the same thing. I do not feel trapped in my life. I am quite happy and enjoying everything but the Covid stuff. This dream started before Covid, by the way! I usually can figure out my dreams and get some meaning out of them but this one stumps me. I will not be moving to California nor do I ever want to live in California even if I was to manage the Play Boy Mansion as a hotel- Bed and breakfast.

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My old girlfriend used to live in a house with her older sister (a real piece of work) and the sister’s boyfriend, Jim. One day the sister came home and saw Jim was in the shower. Instead of announcing herself, she hid in his closet. He finished his shower and came into the bedroom and opened the closet, whereupon she jumped out like a Jack-in-the-box. Jim almost had a heart attack! I’m a practical joker, but I would never do something so cruel.

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Add sliced parsnip or thinly sliced potato!!! Send me your recipe please. Be sure to include seasonings!!!
Looks delicious!

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If that’s the worst dream you ever experience, you’re ahead of the game!

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Supposedly you can only remember a dream if you wake up with a certain time period of a dream. I had a book explaining the meaning of dreams but I lost it and I’m thinking about getting another one. I’ve been having the same dream for a very long time. My dream is that I can’t find my truck, possibly because it really did happen big time once in a large parking garage and once at Newark airport.
Did you have any real life experiences similar to your dreams ? It’s a part of your dream that you couldn’t pedal could’ve been from a safety feature built-in to your brain that’s supposedly immobilize your motor functions during sleep. I don’t know how true that is because a couple times I dreamed I was kickings at a barking biting dogs when I fell asleep on the couch and I kick the coffee table so hard my foot was sore for weeks.:us:


Your kicking anecdote reminded me of the old joke: I dreamt I was eating a giant marshmallow. When I woke up, I couldn’t find my pillow!


On a more serious note, the earliest dream I recall, from when I was 2 years old or perhaps not even 2, I snuck out of my crib and was peeking into my parents’ bedroom to see what they were watching on TV. My mom commented to my dad, “I hope Gary’s not out of his crib, so the Boogeyman doesn’t get him!” That got me scared so I ran back to my crib, but something supernatural started materializing in my bedroom, presumably the Boogeyman. It must’ve traumatized me, since I remember it all these years later! Maybe that was the deep source of the nightmare I described at the top of this thread?
The mind is quite a piece of work.


Sometimes we’re not ahead of the game with dreams. We ( I ) would tell more about dreams that will never go away, can never go away, but I can’t. This is not the place for it and it wouldn’t help. The dreams are from real events that we ( I ) have to live with. So we talk about light hearted dreams and that means a lot to me. As a mater of truth, speaking about dreams and sleep, this website is like a sleeping pill. It exhausts me mentally. Sometimes I fall to sleep and drop the iPad.
Sometimes I can put the pad down before I drop it and go to sleep immediately.
It works every time for me.


Regarding dreams & Reality. I have a reoccurring dream that I have to write down something important but I can’t find something to write on or have a pen and pencil that won’t write. Just a few days ago I was at my gun club and someone wanted my email address. I tore a piece of a US PS envelope off to write on, the pencil was not dark enough to show up on the shiny thin material so I grabbed a Pen from the login pad and it kept skipping and no one else had a pen or pencil. We did of course resolve the little problem but it was exactly like the repeated dreams I have. Like to know what the hell that dream means ?


Easy! Pent up emotions! Get it?


Kinda. :us: