Do dreams reflect possible reality?

Thanks for weighing in. I’m just glad this isn’t a recurring dream! Just came out of the blue.


I think the vast majority of dreams are just the minds way of processing, storing and releasing the daily clutter. But I have had recurring dreams that were obviously trying to help me sort out problems and other very detailed dreams that eventually replayed themselves in reality months or years later. Possibly just extreme coincidence but I think there is something more to it. The trick is to figure out which dreams to let slip away and which to pay attention to.


Speaking of dreams (and to add a light touch to this thread): A wife tells her husband one morning, “Last night night I dreamt you gave me a diamond necklace! I wonder what it means?”
The husband replied mysteriously, “Maybe tonight you’ll find out?”
All day she was on pins and needles, waiting for him to come home. He finally arrived, carrying a beautifully gift wrapped box. She eagerly tore it open. Inside was a book entitled, “Interpreting Dreams.”


I used to solve calculus/engineering problems in my dreams before the Army.


As a chef I have had dreams about making a dish of food and I would start tossing around and wake up realizing it is a dream then go back to sleep. Eventually through the night I created a really good plate of food. Then I would go to work and make it for real and indeed, good food!!


You say “possible reality” in a way that implies events which may happen in the future. In that sense, since in the future All realities are possible, then maybe so. However, in my experience, all dreams are rooted in past events, even the very recent past of a few hours or minutes before going to sleep. When a dream appears to take place in the future it is almost always a projection of current fears/hopes/desires/questions, etc., into a “what if” scenario. Our waking minds engage in this sort of analysis frequently when we try to imagine the possible consequences of a particular action or decision, such as “I carry every day, but what if I end up in Illinois?” or “There’s no way my wife/husband will ever find out, but what if she/he does?” We examine our current concerns by projecting them onto possible future situations using imagination, reason, and logic to guide us. The problem with dreaming is that logic and reason can be much more fluid than it is, or appears to be, during our waking life.

I recently had a nightmare from which I woke in a cold sweat and was upset and shaky for the entire day. Thinking about it later, I realized that the dream was born out of a very real and credible fear of mine which my sleeping mind projected into a future scene of it actually happening. No prescience involved, even if it does happen to occur as I dreamed it (providence forbid!)

When a dream sticks with you, look at it through the lens of your life experience, your fears, your desires, your curiosities, and your wishes. It is likely you will find a connection there and, if you’re lucky, a reasonable explanation.

PS: Or it could all be disorganized. nonsensical clutter that your mind is sweeping out. Ya never know.


I had the same dream 3 nights. Shortly after it happened in real life and changed my life profoundly.


or a 7-11 burrito bomb before going to bed?




Too bad you didn’t dream of winning the Power-ball three nights in a row then coming true and changing your life forever!



Every time I dream about bees I have to go pee😁





I hope for the better.


Better hope you don’t dream about mountains.


The dream was me rolling over several times in my truck.


@Wanda3 @Gary35 I appreciate the both of you for being real people.


There’s a good article in the latest Concealed Carry issue that addresses this same thing. It’s a good read.

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I haven’t started reading that issue yet, but perhaps tonight, thanks.


When I was much younger and a pretty active alpine ski racer, one of my coaches suggested that when you can dream of a perfect run on the course including recoveries, you’ll know you’ve committed to —how can I say this?—your mental muscle memory.
In other words, with training your physical response is somehow linked to your dream state response, or vice versa.
I tend to agree
i hope this makes sense


It makes sense, but in my case I froze up, so I hope that’s not predictive of my physical response in a home invasion or assault. It’s supposed to be “fight or flight,” not “freeze or flight.” I always thought if someone attacked me on the street, at least I’d have some anger to channel into a vigorous defense. Inside my own home would be much creepier stuff.