Deleted My Facebook account today

Agree that we need to quickly adjust our bearing. I don’t think a shipwreck is inevitable, though.

Tonight in conversation, someone said imagine if Joe Biden were to stand up tomorrow, remind everyone that he’s the head of the party, and tell them all to shut up and sit down until the election is over. I don’t know if he has enough control over the party to pull this off, but imagine how many people would rush to his side.

Frankly, I think that’s what people are looking for right now, a leader who can show us another way that doesn’t lead to self immolation. But if we don’t get one, we’ll eventually find a leader with a torch and a can of gasoline, and everyone will rush to his side, instead.


That is the situation exactly. God help us.

Do you think that by deleting your social media, you are hurting the platforms you leave? I only ask because I left FB over 10 years ago and it still seems to be going strong. I guess to me, I’m of the mindset that you do whatever makes you happy…just don’t delude yourself to think you’re making a statement or hurting them by deleting your social media footprint. Don’t get me wrong, I completely condone everyone deleting their accounts for lots more than you think…but just know it really will have very little impact on the company.

@Erik10 My impact on the company is by no means the primary reason. I leave it first of all because it is of little use to me if I can not trust it, or use it to say what I wish or need to say. secondly it becomes a danger to me where I am exposed to hostility and reprisals for no good purpose, as any good thoughts I might express, that I was willing to accept some backlash for saying, would simply be deleted, no one would ever get to hear my words. Third, when you are attacked on those platforms, you are accused in a court of public opinion where only your accuser is allowed to speak, meaning, the most excellent defense is useless if you are not allowed to use it. Finally, deleting those accounts forces me to identify and develop alternatives.

I delete my account because it’s a liability to me, It’s a rigged and hostile environment where third parties are watching, monitoring, and manipulating to suit goals all their own.

I don’t avoid rattle snakes because I think I’m going to hurt the rattlesnake population, I do it to avoid being bitten.


Then do it…why ask others for their opinion? Do you ask others if you should avoid rattle snakes too?

I did do it - I did not ask others for their opinion before doing it, and no, I do not ask others if I should avoid rattle snakes.

why would you imply otherwise?


Do I really need to point out to you that I am not scoutbob?


I’ll keep my Facebook, for the 4H updates. It’s a private page. Invitation only. I use Parler as well. I don’t use the other Social media. Most of my interests have a forum of some kind. USCCA community, Rimfire shooting, etc. I’m all for going back to homes, churches, and taverns for “Social” media. It’s how this nation was born. It’s how we can take it back.


Made me chuckle :joy:


Just testing something, Virgil.

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I never got on social media platforms as I didn’t see any necessity to share pictures of what I was having for lunch with the rest of the world.
Sadly, social media split my family —who are very social media savvy—into two hostile camps on account of politics. The abuse got so bad one side disowned the other.
All the more reason to walk away clean, Jack :wink:


it was late and I was tired…I’ve removed it.

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Those that moved onto Parler, be aware that they’ve been breached and all their data (including what was deleted, but wasn’t actually deleted) is currently being downloaded by a ton of people across the internet who are saving copies for LEO (supposedly) and to compile “lists” of who said what.

Combined two threads on the same topic.


To much political crap on there anyway and
No one can let it drop about the election!!

Here’s another good alternative.

Well, that’s creepy, but probably not unexpected.

All those people who were telling Joe Biden jokes are about to get a late night knock on their door.

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Jokes on them, I work second shift.


I wonder how Joe Biden will handle the sudden surge in unemployment when woke companies start firing everyone who ever posted on Parler? :rofl: