Could this be one of the reasons?

Crime, Inflation, Liberal policies, Homeless are all on the rise here in Utah. Native Utahans like me have watched and complained about the californication of Utah for years yet, it continues. And Yes, Once they get here they want it to be there… Just look at Salt Lake City where the far left Mayor just got re-elected, housing prices are ducking ridiculous and people/attitudes are disgusting. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “But in Cali we…”.


There was a time when much of the nation wanted to move to California. Mild weather, coastal and mountain habitats, gold, movie star governors. What’s not to love?


There’s nothing on the planet that can stop a rat from fleeing a sinking ship!


It’s hard to say. The cost of living has certainly grown in California. However, there is also a lot of opportunity in CA. For awhile, Texas was getting a lot of Californians moving in. Lately Texans seems to be leaving Texas for California. It isn’t always easy to tease out the reasons why people move from one place to another.

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Locally, we complain of the Sodomization, wait, scratch that—the San Franciscozation of Northern California.
Placer County is no longer safe.


From your linked story:

According to new data from the Census Bureau, some 102,000 Californians moved to Texas.

Census Bureau data shows that in 2021-22 more Texans moved to California than from any other state – 42,000 to be exact.

Abby Raisz, senior research manager with the Bay Area Council Economic Institute, confirmed with CBS that California is still losing more residents than it’s gaining to Texas. She said it’s primarily due to the booming real estate prices in California.

However, she suspected many of the California workers who moved to Texas during the pandemic due to remote working policies are moving back now that in-office policies are becoming popular again, noting this likely accounts for some of the Texas to California migration.

Well, we have one of the worst affordability crises in the country, and a lot of young people making less than $100,000 simply can’t afford big cities in the Bay Area or big cities in Southern California.”