Compass vs. GPS for your Bug Out Bag?

FWIW, the military still owns most of the active GPS satellites. They allow civilians to use them, which is why there are relatively few civilian GPS satellites supporting the U.S. But in an emergency, civilian access can be turned off.

Civilian GPS exists, obviously. It’s not fool proof, either. Last year, a good portion of Europe lost GPS when a main satellite went down. And of course, you need to keep devices charged.

I’m not dismissing GPS, I’m just saying that you should still learn how to read a map and use a compass. I know many people that can’t.


For the Get Home Bag/Truck bag compass…it’s like I tell the boys in my Troop, batteries run out, signals are lost, solar flares or other outages occur and suddenly your gps is just a little plastic rock. A compass on the other hand…that’s going work regardless. It’s one of the core skills I make sure the boys have to get to First Class Scout…first aid, fire starting, navigation (with map and compass), water purification, shelter building. If you’ve got those 5 things down…you can survive most things.