Birthright citizenship

Very good article. Thank you for sharing it.


An old Vermont saying dealing with out of Staters moving in:

“Just because a cat has kittens in the oven, doesn’t make them biscuits.”

While Vermonters are generally accepting of outsiders a lot of them don’t consider you to be a real VTer until no one is left alive who can remember your ancestors moving into the State.

Sounds like there are compelling arguments against birthright citizenship as recently practiced here in the U.S., which makes sense to me. But a lot of people are going to get wrongly hung up on those first couple words of the 14th amendment just as they do on the first few words of the 2A. These amendment authors really need to learn to lead with a clearer message.

While I agree that birthright citizenship to someone who drops out if the womb of a mother who is illegally or only temporarily in the U.S. is a dumb idea, does correcting that misinterpretation make all the people who were probably wrongly considered citizens for the past many decades suddenly none citizens? I do like that the executive order does not target these people. Deporting the 80 year olds, etc., born in the U.S. who have been recognized as citizens all this time would not go over well with most Americans, I would think.


I would think that it would be dated at a certain time, like the day it was changed, or under 6 months from then for less turmoil for everyone.

Anchor babies is what they call them, no?


As most people back in the mountains say: you ain’t from around here are you? Another statement is: you a foreigner? (meaning not from that county or the hills in general.) until you prove yourself in some way to them, you will always be a foreigner. If your children are born there and raised up there, they’re ok.


The problem with mass immigration is that it intentionally designed to bankrupt America and collapse our economy.

The ploy of having an “anchor baby” is to keep the feet of the parents in America despite being here illegally.

Why do think that they are GIVING THEM EVERYTHING?

If we don’t deport them before they reproduce, they won’t have to cross the border to increase their population, they will out produce us with their population explosion to finish eating up all our resources.

Kiss your Social Security and Medicare good buy.
All those funds will pay for everything that all the illegals need. Nothing will be left for us except to migrate to where? Who will support us?


I’m not worried. The recipients of the hundreds of billions of US dollars immigrants send home every year will welcome us with open arms. :smirk:

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I don’t know if they will be as willing to share as the Lunatic Left is to give our money away.


100% agree. The motive however I disagree with. It is intentionally designed to create more demoncrat voters. Every one of these illegal aliens will receive government assistance creating more potential voters reliant on the government for their livelihood. Their existence in our country also affects the census thus increasing by population more Demoncrat representatives in Congress.

This is the demoncrats game, an overwhelming population dependent on the government assistance and voters happy to take your money. Look at major cities and how they vote. LBJ figured it out back in the 60’s. Give 'em what they need to keep them on the plantation and they’ll stay right where they are.

Sorry folks but this is the ugly truth. They are EVIL RACISTS and they have mastered pitting us against each other. They project exactly what they are or have done on to their enemies. They are disgusting monsters and I am ashamed that I was once one of them.

There is a glimmer of hope though and more people are seeing it now. TRUMP and WE have saved this country! Give yourselves and each other a pat on the back. In the meantime enjoy as TRUMP and his PATRIOTS dismantle and expel the swamp and deep state.




The incentive for the Lunitic Left is to be perpetuated in power, and paid off to do so by the likes of Soros, et al.

But, it is promoted by the Globalists like Soros pushing open borders to push mass migrations to change the distribution of the world’s population from third world countries to western civilization to collapse us.

And, achieve their goals of global domination.

Taking care of their useful idiots by answering their question: What’s in it for me?

And, what bigger useful idiot did they have to manipulate to their end than that greedy Big Guy wanting his 10% and to stay in power forever to keep getting his than demented Biden?

It’s both. Not one, or the other.


In the operation of addition in mathematics:

Adding two negatives always makes a negative.

Two illegal immigrants birthing a child to creat an “anchor baby” do not make a citizen since they have no right to be here in the first place.

If they had immigrated here legally, that would be different.