Hello all. Hope everyone is being safe. So what do you think Is the best head protection. As of now I have the peltor 100 which are good but maybe was looking for another. What are your opinions
I think you mean hearing protection.
I use these much of the time. Otherwise, I use standard ear plugs.
Check these:
I have tried several different brands and designs and for me I like the full ear muffs electric models.
I have a pair of Howard Leight with a NRR rating of 23 or 24. Good unit, rugged great battery life and low cost. The latest set is from Walker. This unit has NRR rating of 26 and with four microphones you should never block the gun shot blast. Bluetooth, excellent noise reduction/wind reduction, while still retaining the capablity of hearing range commands. I have tried the ear buds style, but did not like what I call noise leakage, that is if I turned my head a certain way noise seemed to leak pass the buds. The other problem (for me) is the cost. The addvantage to the ear bud style is of course less weight.
I just read this article from PewPew which helped. But want to see what’s everyone’s opinion is
Larry which Walkers do you have
From reviews I heard the Bluetooth is horrible
I have the XCEL model. The Bluetooth is unimportant to me because when I am shooting I dont want to talk on the phone.
I like the Walker unit because of the different sound filtering settings and the fact that all controls are on the headband thus fewer holes in the protection cups.
I have Walkers Razor behind the neck. It is Bluetooth compatible and sound amplification. I wasn’t sure at first but I love them now. I had them on for 6+ hours for range qualifications and they worked well and were relatively comfortable.
When you ask best, best at what? Weight, suppression, comfort? I use ear plugs only as they aren’t in the way when shooting, they’re nearly free, and they block more sound than most muffs.
Well I like the aspects of the Walkers with 4 mics. Are these that good or something as good. Should I order mine with Bluetooth or out
I just use foam ear plugs. Not fancy, but works well, and 100 pair for about 5 dollars. Lasts a long time. Easy on wallet (more ammo). No batteries. Helps with snoring too…
I don’t use the Bluetooth feature, because I don’t want to be bothered at the range. Check the big supply houses, Walkers and other go on sale quite offten.
I like the quite and the oversized ear cuffs. The cuffs do not put undue pressure on the stems of my glasses.
Larry thanks for your help. I ended up going with the Walker xcel 500 BT. I ended up getting them for 114. What sold me was the different sound filters. What do you think about getting the pads replaced with Gels pads
I have two pair of Caldwell electronic ear muffs that a bought at Rural King for less than $20 each. The batteries are going on a year now and still working. The noise cancellation has been more than sufficient for magnum handgun and rifle loads as well as military rifles and ammo. I’d give them a comfort rating of moderate to good.
I just went through a similar choice (link to my thread below), coming from Peltor 500s. Like @larry84 I ended up with the Walker XCEL I have one BT and another couple without BT. When I bought mine they were around $100, but as low as $45 from MidwayUSA if you didn’t mind neon green/orange
I bought the gel pads when I bought the muffs. I wear glasses so the gel pads were very well received by me. I think for the money they represent a great value.
Good luck with yours and enjoy the late spring early shooting.
I have electronic ear muff protection. Well worth the extra bucks.