Good evening fellow members. I am a Texas resident and will be doing contracting work in the Pacific Northwest. specifically Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska. For the rest of this year I will be moving back-and-forth between Oregon and Washington. In light of the current chaos that has plagued your states I am looking for information on concealed carrying in your states, open carrying in your states, Less lethal options, etc. I’m also interested in finding out from y’all who are residents in these states if the news is portraying the amount of chaos correctly. Any advice and or legal legislation documents or sources for further information would be much appreciated thank you all have a great night-
Washington State is open carry with CPL permitted by certain states. Basically, just stay away from downtown Seattle. It has been spotty on the protests but, it usually smells like piss or weed downtown. With an occasional Pepper smell. Right now we are dealing with fires popping up all over the place. Especially in Eastern Washington. Good salmon fishing in the rivers right now too. I hope you enjoy the Evergreen State with what it does have to offer.
Thanks for the info
Where in Oregon will you be working? Portland is the only city you need to be concerned with. Yes, the situation in Portland is bad.
I’ll be working around portland a minimum of 45min drive to portland proper
You’re good then. Just stay out of downtown Portland, inner SE Portland, and North Portland.
I live 17 miles west of Downtown Portland…Hillsboro, North Plains area. Peaceful out here…for now.
Another good resource for Oregon is OFF, Oregon Firearms Federation
Oregon does not accept any other States CCW to the best of my knowledge. .
You may get an Oregon CHL if you own or lease property in Oregon, are registered to vote here or file taxes here..
While most of the recipients of our alerts are Oregon residents, we are pleased to be able to report that at least one Oregon County has announced a formal policy of encouraging non-residents to apply for concealed handgun licenses.
Grant County Sheriff Glen Palmer has just sent us his new CHL application and asked that we make it available on our website.
You can download it here. (Adobe Acrobat required.)
Of course, Oregon law still limits non-resident applications to residents of adjoining states, but this is clearly a positive development.
Portland, Salem and Eugene you will find crazy people, but pretty much all the violence is in Portland. Right now you need to worrying more about all the forest fires.
Be sure to research yourself here at the SCCA site and OFF.
Welcome to the family,train hard and keep safe. from Michigan
Welcome to the family brother and you are in the right place at the right time.