ALL Gun Laws Are UnConstitutional

Who’s with Officer Dominick and me?!

Let’s hear it!

ALL gun laws are f*cking UNCONSTITUTIONAL


I never new guns had constitutional rights.:joy::rofl:


All I can say is what part of “shall not be
infringed” don’t they understand?


Id like to think the “infringed”, but most likely its fhe “shall not” that trips them up


Oh yes Sir, guns have had Constitutional Rights since 1776! They helped Americans win Freedom, and Independence! :smiley:


Should convicted felons be allowed guns?


Violent felons need stay locked up for life if rehabilitation cannot be acheived.

Non-violent felons have done their time and need be restored full rights upon release as full functioning members of society.

If government wants to control most guns, that’s fine. I’m all for it. After all, one of government’s proper functions should be arming and protecting citizens. So government should see to it John Q. Citizen is armed and f*cking dangerous. If you ain’t got a rifle, go see Uncle Sam. He’ll hook ya up. If you want something other than standard government offerings, you can buy your own off the open market.

Government should lord over and mint all the money, as described in the US Constitution of 1787.

Article I, Section 8, Clause 5:

[The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures; . . .

And be done w/ banks owning us.

Government should provide a blanket of freedom! Not a blanket of tyrants.


Guns don’t save constitutional rights, patriotic Americans save constitutional rights since 1776. Patriotic Americans with guns help win freedom and independence. Don’t make me come over there and splain this to you. Kind sir.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::v:

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