Adam Kinzinger: Goes ‘Full Semi-Auto’ on Second Amendment Infringement

As a gun owner I support responsible – rational gun control reform.
(1) National pre-emption to avoid confusing patchwork quilt of arbitrarily different laws in different locations
(2) National carry reciprocity
(3) Give firearm owner protections in FOPA real teeth to include real penalties for those who abuse traveler
(4) rescind GCA and NFA

See simple rational common-sense gun control reform. Compromises we should all be able to support – except crazy fanatics such as bloomberg Kinzinger and cornen.


The simple fact is that a weapon is the only thing to effectively deal with someone that chooses to use disparity of force to take from you. So when people talk about dealing with those citizens who own weapons and are willing to use them, we eventually end up like Canadians.
In Canada, you literally are going to jail for shooting a burglar, rapist, etc. unless you have gone through a litany of steps. You use a gun of any kind for self defense. You are a criminal.
Unless we protect our rights to carry, use, and own firearms, we lose. To keep and bear are the words. Not carry for hunting. The right to be safe in our person is an inalienable right. Our bodies are ours to protect. This is true no matter where we are. Yet, I have to insure that I play certain games as I travel in the USA to stay within various state laws.
I don’t like various methods used to contain weapons and screen owners. We have a perfectly adequate measure call the psych eval. It has stood very strict court scrutiny and works. It just relies on police to use proper training and follow through.


When people use a gun or attempt to use a gun to break the law anybody has the right to take their second amendment right away. Until they break the law or are attempting to break the law their second amendment right cannot be infringed. That is the way I see it.


He is a RINO!! Being in his district for many years I voted for him. All but the last time when he began showing his true colors.


My state gets a D+ I will take that. :slightly_smiling_face:
Yes, I know this is giffords and the numbers are skewed, just for fun.

Gun Law Scorecard | Giffords


I’ll take your D+ and happily raise you with our State’s solid F grade:)

It’s refreshing to see that the majority of States are failing to live up to the anti self defense crowds warped standards.



My state, AZ get’s an “F”

I can’t tell you how pleased I am with that grade.


Does Adam and his brother know they are GAY? … jus’ sayin’

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He should have stayed on the farm… because he forgot all about 2A Rights when he was in Washington D.C.


I am in his old district as well. That traitor couldn’t get elected to judge apples at the County Fair around here anymore.


Kinzinger is one of the very few Republicans to put his country above himself and stand up to Trump’s insurection.

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As obvious as it sounds, firearms laws are enacted by those who actually hold office. People who hold office are elected by people who actually show up, vote and are active in the political process. Grousing about what elected lawmakers do after they are elected to office accomplishes nothing.

A sad fact of the world in which we live is that the majority of the electorate does not vote at all, and only a tiny fraction vote when it matters – primary elections when candidates are vetted and, effectively, elected to office.

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Will take my F.


Smarty Pant’s…



It might have worked if they had brought what they needed to bring…but they brought cell phones

Happy Birthday. @BRUCE26
:sauropod::sauropod::sauropod::t_rex::t_rex::t_rex::t_rex:(RAWR Dinosaurs).

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Now, Happy Birthday @BRUCE26