It was hurtful to watch this first thing in the morning, pondering on what I would do in this situation, because if they can do this to LE without shame, what in the hell would they do to my family and me!
These officers should be honored in some fashion for their composure.
If you were in the officers shoes as a civilian in the same neighborhood walking down the street with your family and this happened to you. What would you have done if anything, and what would be the legal justification for your actions?
considering you’re asking this question on a CC website, i’m assuming you mean what would i do in this situation regarding my weapon. my answer, personally, would be to do nothing. if the cops were walking away and doing nothing, i’m not going to pull my gun out and threaten anyone’s life when what they’re doing is, as disgusting as it is, harmless. (see: not life-threatening, like pointing or even threatening to use a gun would be.) it’s ■■■■■■up and THEY should be the ones facing legal actions. it’s battery, isn’t it? or assault? of an officer, especially. i would get their faces and/or plates if they were in a car and report them. other than that, my gun would have nothing to so with it.
As far as what I would do - I would take pictures/video of those harassing the police officers and be very aware of what was going on around me and the officers in case the situation changed.
At least with those videos, the people who are harassing the officers can be identified.
My concern would be that it’s not water honestly. Look at what happened with that reporter in Oregon. Those “milkshakes” turned out to be quick dry cement, which uses a chemical that burns skin.
Once I determined that it was only water then it’s a non-threat. Probably helped to cool them down in the heatwave we just had. I have a lot of respect for those officers showing grace. dignity and restraint.
Certainly also rates concerned citizen “Letters to the Editors” to all the major NYC news papers. Leaving same at News media website discussion forums. Disrespect doesn’t earn glory points in Heaven, sooner or later it generates in like response or worse here on Earth.
If you were in the officers shoes as a civilian in the same neighborhood walking down the street with your family and this happened to you What would you have done if anything, and what would be the legal justification for your actions?
Spence, If you were in the officers shoes as a civilian in the same neighborhood walking down the street with your family and this happened to you What would you have done if anything, and what would be the legal justification for your actions?
Dawn, If you were in the officers shoes as a civilian in the same neighborhood walking down the street with your family and this happened to you What would you have done if anything, and what would be the legal justification for your actions?
You can tag more than one person per post @Ronald1, that way you don’t need a new post every time.
My first reaction is to get my family out. Pursuers will be met with some pepper spray. Legal Justification is that I don’t know if it is just water or not and I’m protecting my family from a possible chemical attack. Bleach can blind or poison and can be added to water. Do you carry non-lethal self defense tools?
ohhhh you mean it’s personally happening to me and my wife (family)? i misread the question from the beginning then, sorry. i suppose i would tell them to f off, and if they continue pouring ■■■■on me or my wife i would probably show them i have a gun and to leave us alone.
In all honesty this is a good case for carrying OC/Pepper Spray and knowing how to use it. In the end it’s just water, but while it’s happening or as it’s about to happen you don’t know if it’s water, bleach or some other chemical. Using OC/Pepper Spray you are highly unlikely to face charges from using it to defend yourself and family.
Some may argue that carrying OC/Pepper Spray may compromise a self defense case should you have to draw your firearm and use lethal force. A good defense attorney will explain why this is not the case. Just because you have a less-than lethal self defense tool does not mean you are obligated to “downgrade” your use of force in a lethal force scenario. Carrying OC/Pepper Spray simply gives you more self defense options for a wider variety of instances that may happen.
If this happened to a civilian it’s a simple assault. Depending on your states laws you’d have a lawful use of force but not deadly force in reaction.
In that situation the best thing you could do is get out of there as quickly as possible.
The last thing you’d want to do is get involved in a tussle in an unfriendly neighborhood that could quickly then turn into a deadly force encounter.
Totally agree with Wildrose.
I might try to get video or ID some of the people, but my primary goal would be to get the heck out of the area ASAP, I can think of nothing good that would arise from hanging around in that area.
And as civilians we have a choice and we can avid going into those situations to begin with, LEO’s have to take the calls as they come down.
Something I preach to all my students, “If you wouldn’t go there unarmed, don’t think you’re safe going there because you are carrying”.
In truth, carrying puts a whole new level of responsibility on you and above all you must never let your carry weapon fall into the hands of bad guys.
Hanging around there getting surrounded by a hostile crowd while armed puts you at grave risk physically and at high risk of donating a gun to the criminal class before it’s over.