Sir I appreciate you, many of my brothers at arms went down range to never return, I am fortunate I am lucky I am grateful to my nation I am proud I am infantry I volunteered to put myself in harms way in a most selfish act to be the best! I am many things I am a man , hero was the guys who went before me and paid the ultimate price I am a soldier and when I die I get what this guy got
Quite amusing coming from you. You are trying to force your bigotry upon me by claiming my views are based on emotion. You should re-read your posts. You claimed that one needs to be emotional to understand facts. That’s the biggest load of non-sense I ever read. Emotions are detrimental to understanding facts, as facts are not emotional.
You clearly see racism, etc., where none exists. You should seek enlightenment, your life will be far more enjoyable. Though I do understand that you injuries make dealing with life difficult.
I am sorry that your service to our country has left such injuries to you. I know many vets, some with varying levels of mental and physical injuries, PTSD, missing limbs, etc., due to their service. Most are quite stoic and don’t complain much about the chronic pain, etc., and are not bitter about it.
Dave we agree that what we say mostly misses one another like I said. I also stated that this is banter i rarely try to make one into something they are not it’s kind of impossible. As far as me seeing something that doesn’t exist. I never called you a racist, nor did I imply your complicity with a white supremacy agenda. Because I do not know your race but I do know this the aa community didn’t respond to it . It’s not a validation it’s actually a confirmation that we all don’t agree but they seem to find common ground with me but some parse my words and think because I said something that I’m fomenting an agenda of victimization by insert the race of the day, I think you mis read me next time use the acumen you have to say what did you mean rather than tell me what your definition of something that is as fluid as the so called woke letter groups who think their struggle is a civil rights struggle which it’s not it’s an identity struggle ( opinion) mental disorders of all kinds were rationalized by some very educated people. Just because something is accepted doesn’t mean it’s good so we steer clear, at least I do. Fact is woke to me is different than woke to you. And I tend to see knee jerk reactions to things on the other side of this debate. I am AA or slave descended black I’m 13% white -1 % native and trace Asian and 86 % sub Saharan African I identify as black I am dark skinned and faced racism from an early age from my own community it was in my face but the white racism was subtle with many tiny infractions and some major with the most egregious being run nword run while I was in the army from two white soldiers. All my kids are biracial I don’t hate white people no more that I hate any one who’s done me personally wrong so you quote this in it’s proper context. I hate no man that has not done me personally wrong! Most crimes happen and the one committing the crime look just like you I just find it funny how in North Dakota it’s not called white on white crime but simply crime I don’t know too many people who can say they rob Asians and are not Asian because you stand out like a sore thumb And the language gap! So this is fact I live in a mixed area so anyone who isn’t with me is a threat not just some people
I trust no one. Honestly all men and women between the ages of 17-50 are seen through a lens I never know who’s a threat but I know this large swath may seem like I’m paranoid I am not I’m woke and it would behoove most to think this way especially if your armed. So despite what you feel about my statements the facts are stand alone my opinions are mine and you don’t have to care about any of it I asked you at the end did you see the ria 5.0 and did you have experience with it if so how did it shoot I’m fascinated by it the design and pou.( Philosophy of use ) this we can really get some where with
TBH I myself also don’t really trust anybody unless I personally know them for a time.
I view persons between the age of 15 to 80 as a possible threat anymore. Most of the damage this country is currently facing has come from those 70 and older (Congress and the President).
Heck now in some areas you have to worry about a 6 year old kid with a gun.
I am not paranoid but view everybody guardedly and have become quite cynical lately.
Woke is not what people think it is.
It just means
Not asleep to the goings on of the government, media , Hollywood, and other places they would rather you be not interested in.
I have no problems with gay people or with trans women using the ladies room ( if at first glance can tell the difference between a person who for all intents and purposes looks like a woman till you physically feel them up you habit some weird places)
I do however have a problem with a guy( man) who identifies as trans wears a dress but has a full beard and wears lipstick . I have a distinct problem with this person No you don’t get to use the woman’s room at all ! Full stop !
I don’t have a problem with gays in cinema, I do however have an issue with men kissing men in the movie I’m watching or women kissing women
If you are doing a Roman epic then it’s expected to happen in that drama but I’m not a fan of that !
Also misrepresenting historical events,
And white washing things
And the whole civil war was over states rights , yes to keep slaves ! Irish had it bad ! Germans had it bad , French , the Italians ! The polish ! But not the blacks ! They chose to live in poverty and chose to be put under Jim Crow chose to not want fair housing , or the right to vote , blacks in this America got full rights in 1970 in November or so
Emmit Till , Medgar Evers , Martin Luther king ! If you hear those names don’t know the back stories
And chose to say oh please that happened so long ago, what are you bitching about ? Slavery was so long ago. 150 something years ago well put it into perspective 150 subtract 80 my moms age
Now that’s 70 and the year around 1943ish subtract some 43 years for her mom you have 27 left the year is 1900 subtract 27 from 1900
1873 is the year and we are in full reconstruction mode what right did blacks have in 1873 well blacks sought to guarantee a degree of social equality beyond mere civic equality by requiring equal accommodations and prohibiting discrimination in places of public accommodation and entertainment such as inns hotels and theaters. I was ground breaking and never effectively enforced ! If knowin this makes me woke so be it
Side note the year after the civil right act of 1873 passed. Jim Crow statutes were enacted 1874 to 1975 Jim Crow laws condemned black citizens to inferior treatment and facilities
These statutes and ordinances were in place until 5 years after I was born I’m born 1970 so yeah the crap from the past has a way of affecting our future.
I think a lot of the problem comes from the wide array of differing opinion over which problems need to be woken up to.
There are countless problems out there that are desperately in need of recognition and solutions. It is hard to get everyone to agree on which ones need to be prioritized. Then you have the even harder problem of getting enough people to agree on a solution.
How best to solve our hierarchy of needs has always been debated and will be debated forever. Therefore politics, religion, and government in various combinations and levels of intensity. Nothing new under the sun.
“No free government, or the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue and by frequent recurrence to fundamental principles.” – The Virginia Declaration of Rights, Section 15
“It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.” – Edmund Burke
Damn. That sounds like personal responsibility!!! “WOKE” to the rescue…
I like to clarify woke was and still is an urban grammatical term always has been ! When theses
Things are taken out of context you get the co-opted verbal gymnastics Fox News spins it hits the echo chamber and then you have people trying to explain to me how woke should be applied when you literally just started using it after it got in the spin zone. Look we don’t need to comment on everything folks say just when it goes against our 2nd amendment rights.