What is "woke"?

Exactly what my wife said!


You hit on a sore spot with Awoman. Idiots don’t even know what Amen means and why it is used. It has nothing to do with male gender.


Yep. And with today’s social media, they can block anyone who tried to correct them. They can live in blissful ignorance with the hatred they’ve been taught.


Never liked his Leftist ideology, but I guess now that he is no longer “cutting edge”, he is, occasionally, pandering to the Right. Whatever pays the bills…


Give her a manual cash register and see what happens…


Thank you for that i always fount it hard exposing it to individuals who can’t reconcile the walking contradiction of a armed black man as a good guy

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Some one is always co-opting a phrase to mean something else woke meant you weren’t sleeping on the things going on in this world. Like political correctness it meant that you don’t just walk up to a person and call then something they are not, like calling a Guatemalan a Mexican or a black American an African when culturally we are so different they come from a country where everyone is the same so did not face the subtle racism we have here in the us they ignore it and can afford to we can’t. Or it’s like when Philippines are mistaken for Chinese they were a colony in the americas , and so on woke just. Means aware of your surroundings are present in your understanding of who you are

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That’s a contradiction? Wow…. Guess you aren’t “woke”.

This is woke.

Middle school served ‘inexcusably insensitive’ lunch during Black History Month, vendor apologizes (msn.com)


WhT aim for ain’t for you ! Meaning. The comment was not nor was it ever intended to be consumed by individuals entrenched in tropes and ideologies outside of the rigid construct of the box they paint themselves into. Please understand if you think civil rights were the end of racism in America miss me , if you think black codes and redlining were then and is not going on now, if you feel African Americans had every opportunity to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and poverty is a state of mind ( a choice) tell that to the first African American Supreme Court justice guess what year 1967
This is American history not woke revisionist history
Facts you can see I love how fast some feel the need to explain to some folk where and how we Ned to do things when you sure didn’t care nor do you now want to listen to anything other th an the echo chamber I am woke it means I’m not sleep to the struggle of gun ownership , erosion of rights , false flags , ( Chicago is the murder capital, an New York, and Los Angeles and Memphis and DC ) Miss me with this crap here, if one is making a statement don’t use this moment to mansplain to me your concept of what a man should do who don’t look like you, it comes off snide or disingenuous. Not that you care but you probably think CRT is taught in schools. And don’t be confused critical race theory and critical race training one is insidious and the other is a course study for post graduates in Harvard law and is a theory A theory is a set of ideas that may or may not be true. But have to be proven to become a fundamental law in this case a set of immutable facts that can be proven with empirical data
Like a quick fact in this one country they blew up a church and killed children to stop people from voting! Then there was Martin Malcolm Medgar they were shot for getting people to vote and march nonviolently, and yeah they died so you can vote freely ? I doubt it, onething for sure I don’t know you and I’m not compelled to comment on all your stuff I’m wile deal with it ! Or not I don’t care if your not that means your likely to say something to have the feds coming to your door or have one of those signs on your lawn that says we don’t call the cops , or one of the people who confuse trespassing with unauthorized entry and would shoot a guy holding a knife thirty feet away from you 8-10 I’m guilty I shot hit but further that twenty naw no threat I find a stick Or pole. A crack him in the head oh well you don’t really care why should I

When you write a coherent response, I will consider your opinion.


Yup, I’m still confused. :confused:

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Ok David 17, a walking contradiction is for example a platypus it’s a monotreme a mammal that lays eggs but it also has venom which is the strange part. Woke in my mind means knowing the difference between the male and the female of the species and not grabbing the wrong one and getting envenomated. Well the armed black guy as the good guy? That came from a shooting incident where in which a African American male dressed in his guard uniform subdued a random shooter at an event, the security officer was then shot to death by responding officers when they had a description of the perp who being held at gun point by security. Woke in my mind means not disrespecting some based on ignorance. While I agree with a lot of stuff on here I like to keep out of the more coherent discussion because I found the echo chamber here too cookie cutter. And people use the old pounce tactic to tag team on one person who just said something contrary to the absorbed narrative. Example Chicago is worse than Afghanistan , and the words in the sentence “ murder capital of the United States “ ok where’s the murder capital of the USA? It’s got to be Memphis, Houston, Los Angeles , DC , Detroit, woke is knowing that it’s a trope. Now my statement was what ain’t for you, ain’t for you! Nor was it meant to be consumed by you! It was supposed to be for the so called woke crowd! As they are accused of being anything but woke but they got it , only a certain demographic felt the need to comment anything back, and mansplain their reactionary view on what wokeism really is. Again woke just means you are aware of the hyperbole and vitriol and you know the difference between truth and trope and are not swayed by emotional upheaval brought about by people saying things , without the emotional intelligence to realize what an opinion is from fact. But also have the dexterity to handle the facts when they come and not just cave because the audience doesn’t like what you say. It’s what I should’ve said initially but cogent thought is sometimes seen as woke.

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It’s funny how we can contort ourselves to grab edited quotes from a socialist then turned liberal but can’t hear a thing a liberal here is saying, Ps I’m not referring to me ! I’m just saying stay “woke”

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Lol I like what you did there

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Nope, I try not to be around people who are offended all of the time. Some even make it a profession. :slightly_smiling_face:


So, we should not dispect someone based on their ignorance? Got it. I try not to do that, but that is one of my failings. Police get shot by other police regardless of their race. Happens more frequently when one officer is undercover/plain clothes.

As to “Woke”, it is the “woke” that claim we cannot define what a woman is. You assume that I am something I am not because you do not like a dissenting opinion. I know several people that I wonder what you would call them as they share the same Conservative values I do and they have African ancestory. You appear to be racist/bigoted and project your flaws unto others.

Last time I was in Chicago, one of the taxi drivers I had was from Afghanistan. He worked with our military as an interpreter, imbedded with combat units, etc. He told me parts of Chicago are worse than Afghanistan. I will take his word for it over yours. Were you in Afghanistan?

You seem to believe you know everything, and know where I get my info - you do not. I do not get my info from Fox news, etc. If you read my posts, I have links from many sources, many of which are government and edu sources. The internet houses a lot of data. Try using it to open your eyes to the world.

One does not use emotions to determine facts.


With respect I am a combat veteran I served in Somalia after action , I was assigned to several units as a subject matter expert in tactics and weapons of the indigenous populations where we need to pull security, was part of 23 operations in my 11 year career in the military culminating in scars on my retinas and bullet fragments still embedded in my body and frayed acl from coming off a fast line during a hop & pop where our helo came under fire . So I’m a disabled vet who regularly tries to keep his skill set. I do know worse streets and that cabby yeah he must’ve gotten soft over the years, and the fact you tried to use bullet points to quote me you prove my point that if one is emotionally engaged they can’t discern facts. I don’t presume to know you or know everything and just because you know some folks that happen to be of my persuasion I think you miss something not every body who’s my skin folk is my kinfolk , they do them I do me. This banter really is not going to change my opinions nor yours which is the main reason I wish you would miss me with the deep dive we are both just grasping at straws. When you are ready for an adult conversation about co-opted terminology and catch phrases we can do it because your seeking of that knowledge would be genuine but right now it feels like you are only interested in the echo chamber. Now question what’s your edc? I edc a c2 And do you have any experience with the ria 5.0 I’m fascinated by it

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Thank you for your service @Owen2 and as far as I am concerned you are a hero.