What do I do with my gun?

Every situation is going to be different. How long does it take the police to respond to the scene? How many threats are there? Is the threat down or no longer a threat? How many witnesses are around you? What did those witnesses see? Are you hurt? Is your loved one hurt?

There is no one right size fits all answer. Always consider there might be another threat.

Another option instead of reholstering after the self-defense incident is to take a different arm position. When you defend yourself, your arms are going to most likely be at full extension,
bringing your arms and firearm back to your body (in Defensive Shooting Fundamentals we call it high compressed ready) can be another option instead of reholstering.

In this position, you are in solid control of your firearm, able to re-engage quickly if needed, and look a heck of a lot less threatening than a person with their arms at full extension aiming at someone.

It also breaks your hyper-focus on the initial threat who is now no longer a threat and gives you a chance to assess your surroundings for other threats or people who can help you.