I tell ya man the conformation hearings started today and the way some of those female K-9s are talking to Hegseth and questioning his service and silly things he may or may have not said in a heated moment just gets my goat and instead of questioning him about matters they know nothing about they should be home baking cookies. And Dick “ Turban” and Up-Chuck Goomer will do the same thing. 99% of the democrats will never vote for any of Trump’s people so if we control the house and senate why can’t they all just OK him and just flip the bird to the democrats and say “ I don’t need your vote thank you” . ?
I need several new TVs, I’m in the process of beating Tampon Tim in the head!
These people are so far off the mark, that I’m full convinced the Democratic Party are communists to the core!
Speaking with my bookie right now and I have a million to one odds, not a single Communist will vote yes for Pete! I’m putting everything I own on this bet!
H311 they are all commies and I wish a large group of people would let them know it to, and voting them out of office would just be a start! It’s amazing that anyone would be that stupid but to be in the senate or congress and be is nuts , I remember not to many years ago that one of the democrats actually said that if you put to many military things on this island the island could flip over ! I watched them say it!
I think there’s only one answer that can end this whole fiasco.
I think that’s called TREASON
In addition, just for “Chief” Warren.
If confirmed, I will institute a draft of all women with children to fight in WWIII.
Not sure, why you guys are not concerned about his drinking. Other than blind faith in Trump.
Myself, If he is a friend. I would not give a drunk the keys to the car…
I don’t care about his sex life, other than. It does bring to mind if he is unfaithful. To the person, he is closest too… Why would I be under the impression. He will be faithful to us …
Sexual assault … Well if this is true. I can not believe any rational person would find it acceptable …
I do not find these to be partisan issues … Just moral ones…
Why I’m not watching it. I would need to buy a new TV after I mag dump into it.
Being unfaithful is a common accusation between two people when they break up, I wouldn’t believe or take sides on that one with my worst enemy.
Understood , Although Bill Cosby comes to mind … First five come to light. A case can be made for haters … Ten, well one of them at the very least is telling the truth … Twenty, lock him up, lock him up …
People here have been convicted in the court of public opinion for far less… All they have to do is have a D after their name …
I know you what mean about a new tv. Apt manger would be mad at me for putting a few 12ga rounds thru the tv and wall behind it.
Funny how when the tables were turn the Republicans gave most of Joes nominees a pass, Elections have consequences… But now it’s the Donald we hear about the worst people in the world doing the most hideous things in their past, and for some reason it’s every single nominee.
Well it would be a good excuse to buy a new one. The current TV is an 200X year model. I wish I could hook up a sound bar to it for better audio.
Actually it was highly entertaining to watch. It’s always fun listening to chikenshit career politicians antagonize and question a warrior whose only objective is winning wars swiftly and decisively. Their attitude is painful at best and a cruel reminder of the obscene nonsense true warriors operate under. But Pete handled it like a champ and gave back some with some assistance by Senators that support him and a room full of people that know him well!
Oh I can’t stand todays democrats but like I’ve said before the republicans are cowardly m f’ers and they act like they have to be perfect gentlemen when the dems are spitting on them and setting up a shoe factory in their azzes, and I can’t stand that about them and the worst one is the tuff talking do nothing Lindsay Graham of S. C.
Outstanding point sir.
Let he among you who is without sin cast the first stone.
Do you have any idea how many politicans running our country are drunks, women abusers, morally compromised… etc?
I’ll take my chances with the war hero who understands what a military is for, how far our military has fallen, and what is at stake if we don’t regain military superiority in all aspects, (Including morale) thanks.
I like how Mullin told the committee that basically how hypocritical they all are.
Infidelity is quite common with politicians, yet we still rehire them
He mentioned how many times they would come in drunk for a night vote, yet we still rehire them.
Right or wrong, for once a want a war fighter who cares about the troops.
Hegseth even said he wasnt perfect but with his faith and his wife hes changed.
'Sides, all these allegations were from a long time ago. If a guy cant change in a 10 year period…
I personally dont know why he wants to put up with the BS, giving up a 2+milliona year job at fox for maybe a 1/4 mil a year…oh thats right, he loves the military
Edit: got the senators name wrong, close but…
100% agree, Republicans seem to Love to take it in the *** while trying to act all polite and stuff. At least Trump seems to know, when you’re in a fight, you FIGHT, the time to be nice is after you knocked the bastard out…
Billy Clinton had oval sex in the people’s oral office. Wait, I think it was the other way around?
I just cannot keep up with all the sex, drugs, bribes, murders, back stabbing, and lying our current leaders are doing every day. We all have fallen short, I will stick with Maj. Pete, the man that was actually in a war zone. I hope he does have a drink. HE EARNED IT.
There is a time and place for morals. There is a time and place for ethics. There is a time and place for values. To me Trump seem to know when they are.