Scenario training

You are exactly right, that’s why I do my best to not be in one. I have done well in the past 15-20 years to avoid them.

… which makes it something you have to train for.

Since we covered that in the USCCA Defense Shooting Fundamentals course, I’ve added that to my training, and I include it when I’m doing scenario visualization. :grin:


That’s the odd thing for me when I’m startled I get into a defensive stance. If I do grasp anything in my hands tighter I don’t notice it. I think I do that because I’m always expecting the worst but hoping for the best. It’s not very often I get startled though.

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I think that’s what most people do, even if they dont realize it… it’s kinda wired in.

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They might, I know there’s some things I do that some people don’t do.

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I feel like it really depends. If it is just me and I can outrun the person I will get away and call police. If it is Michael Phelps (someone athletic and fast) and there are others who can’t get to safety I might have to take action against the threat.

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strong text

My wife can tell you, I sleep through her normal sounds, but anything out of the ordinary. I am up with a gun in hand, and scanning.

If you startle me, because I failed SA. I almost always go for gun/knife one in each hand.

I trained since 13 with knives. So I am very comfortable with them. I even have a 15 yard throwing range in back yard.

None of the above is a threat. :eyes::innocent:


Why I always carry things in my off hand. If it’s a box I’m carrying in both hands and something happens, I’m throwing it and moving to cover at the same time. My dog gives me plenty of warning at home.


I know exactly where you’re coming from. I had a friend that passed away a few years ago and he told me because of how I handle a knife. If he was ever forced to deal with me, he would just draw and fire. This in no way is a threat to anything or anyone. We just always joked around about stuff like that.

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Zee, I like your response to the situation. If the perp is to close to draw use martial arts moves designed to kill/incapacitate. Arm goes up, move to side, swing attacker using their momentum and throw. Then draw and shoot if necessary.

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There’s a sweet spot.

  1. Close enough to have to shoot. Far enough to have time to draw and shoot quality hits.

Draw. Fire a volley 3-7 depending on closing distance and time. Then run.

10-20 yards.

  1. Over 20 yards. Run for cover.

  2. 10 yards or less. Do my best to fend off initial attack. If I can make space, draw and fire a volley. Otherwise it’s hand to hand (hand to hammer) fighting.

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