Prospective jurors in Oath Keepers trial compare Jan. 6 Capitol attack to 9/11

A loser is the antonym of a winner.

Whoever flagged my post can’t comprehend English and/or has too thin of skin to live in this country.

I said you’re THE loser, not a loser. If you don’t win, you lose. Facts catch your feelings?

1st amendment doesn’t live here. Can’t wait to NOT renew my USCCA

Speech is not free here. I can’t let people know they lost; but don’t worry! Your participation trophy is in the mail.

This service is worse than Twitter

Makes sense. You seem like you would beat your dog.

Oh shoot I used my free speech again. Here comes my suspension…

Enjoy your cute parlor page and your overpriced insurance. I’m out.

Was that another sick burn? Cause nothing you have had to say makes sense.

Do you have anything that isn’t an Ad Hominem retort, based off of your rampant TDS? :microbe::nauseated_face::syringe::pill::face_with_thermometer:

Do keep up

TDS is a cute disease you made up. Good job buddy. Like I said I’m out; I don’t hangout with sore-losers. Bye bye

Was that another sick burn? Cause nothing you have had to say makes sense.

Do you have anything that isn’t an Ad Hominem retort, based off of your rampant TDS? :microbe::nauseated_face::syringe::pill::face_with_thermometer:

Do keep up

hmmm… I think everyone is aware that there are PAID trolls and pot stirrers all over the net…

and they take their job seriously cause it’s part of their income… to muddy the water so to speak…

and IIRC some are actually trained in the best way to do their job…

although I’ve come to believe some are not residing in this country…

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If I replied to whiner9 Id just get kicked off here. But Im certain Bitem& crew are better for us 2A people huh?

He lied. Big surprise.

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No worries, as soon as Hamas kicks in our door and starts beheading American babies, they’ll be begging for an Oath Keeper!
Get good use out of a liberal, keep them as food, fuel or bait!
Protect only yourselves, family and friends! The others are not fellow countrymen.
Let Hamas start throwing them off rooftops.

The only thing that I believe of the hoopla surrounding Jan.6 is that an unarmed veteran was murdered by capitol police. It sounds like dunn is considering a run for president in 2028. Lies, made up stories of his greatness. I wonder if he rode a million miles on the metro? Did he shoot off a couple rounds from his double barrel shotgun into the air to scare off the rioters . No joke folks I think he will make a good candidate. :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

If you repeat a lie long enough, it becomes the truth, right? :confounded: :confounded:

That only works when there is compassion behind the lie d it is seen that way.

Yes sometimes a little white lie can be done out of compassion. But I don’t believe that dunn’s lies are out of compassion.

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I believe the truth prevails, just not always out of the media.

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That makes me so mad I can’t even keep my cool to comment on it. And Everytime I hear those SOBs call it a “ insurrection “ I punch something. God I hate those people. And another thing that kills me is the only shot fired was a security guard shooting sum unarmed girl! Ohhh what a tuff guy. Why wasn’t he charged for murder? She had no gun? Fu***** Sickening! I hope they all die!

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I believe in karma