Prospective jurors in Oath Keepers trial compare Jan. 6 Capitol attack to 9/11

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Don’t Worry folks. I can lead your group therapy here.

You must first ask yourself: why did 1-6-21 take place?

Answer: Lies from the POTUS. Facts that HE told you were the TRUTH had absolutely no evidence. You were scammed by one of the greatest. Congratulations

:point_up_2: now that. Is a great policy

Tell me about it.


If Ya’ll had just ignored him (I think a him) in the beginning, he would be gone by now. What is a “Winess” anyways? :thinking:


So, now you think you know who I voted for. That’s cute. Did you miss the part about being a Constitutional Absolutist Libertarian ? Were the words to big?

Do you have anything that isn’t an Ad Hominem retort, based off of your rampant TDS? :microbe::nauseated_face::syringe::pill::face_with_thermometer:

I hear there’s an app and a cream for that. Plus I hear immersion therapy is the tits. All you have to do is drool :drooling_face: in a corner, fondling your I :heart: Hillary :teddy_bear: and pray to Saint Obama.

Did the orange man, bad touch you? Just show me where on the :teddy_bear:. I’m a mandatory reporter Cuppy Cake :cupcake:

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Omg, sick burn bro… Oh, No it wasnt. I’m not party to whatever privileged communications that may have existed between former President Trump and any members of the Trinity.

But, you know, I do have a secret superpower. It’s called being able to be… Objective. I, understand that Donald Trump scares you loony tunes of the Democratic Left. I, however, am able to look at Trump’s policies and I am able to differentiate between Donald Trump the man, and Donald Trump’s Presidential policies.

Do try to keep up.


I know, I know. Pick me, Pick me !! It’s an off brand box of whine from Guinness? Ooh, Ooh, did you see what I did there

Yes, I do amuse myself.

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Just a reminder


Hmmm. It was starting to feel like I was kicking a puppy.

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I have to admit that song got stuck in my head for a hot second.

This is an eye opener.

He’s gone, isn’t he? Mission accomplished! :+1:



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:man_facepalming: what’s Q up to my dude? :clown_face:

Allow me to refresh everybody’s memory about why you’re all just so triggered.

I entered this forum by saying:

Don’t worry…it was actually “ANTIFA” or whatever BS FOX News tells you. A bunch of MAGA sheep tunes into the FOX fear network to absorb and regurgitate the nonsense-daily. The irony is in plain view.

Admit it. Donald Trump embarrassed you all and will continue to do so.

Sad you can’t handle the truth. You sure you should carry a gun?

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I don’t even know anything about the capitol and everything that’s going on in politics right now is nothing but theater

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