Proposed AZ Law Would Allow Ranchers near Border to Shoot Trespassers

And make NO mistake Brother, We ARE going to PAY for this!


@Scott52 If school mass shootings using AR15s is a big thing to the anti gun/gun control groups, wait till these kids with unmonitored homemade suicide bombs strapped under their clothing suddenly start blowing up classroom full of kids at schools, inside full school buses, large schoolground gatherings/activities, what plans will the gun control groups have when they face these types of atrocities. Could this happen here in America? :thinking:


Bigger picture, bigger picture. There are more than 10 million in country. I can name 5 states combined that don’t equal that number. We are in serious trouble, you think Laken Riley is the last. Expect a lot more! We are past the “joke” part. These are INNOCENT lives getting their heads bashed in. Sorry, buddy I don’t agree with that!
Let’s not beat around the bush. They are here, they are ferociously evil and will continue until stopped! I pray for us all!


Don’t be shocked or surprised when it happens!
Prepare for the media to blame MAGA and Trump!
I’m expecting it and keeping my wits about me every second I’m in public!


What’s really unfortunate, is we have to discuss such matters!
This is what we’ll be talking about around Easter dinner!


I hear New York is nice this time of year!


Positively Balmy 'ey?


Those are the time tested arguments always made by regimes bent on ethnic cleansing and racially-motivated genocide. Hutus are “ferociously evil and will continue until stopped” sayeth Tutsis. Bosnian Muslims are “ferociously evil and will continue until stopped” sayeth the Bosnian Croats. The Muslim Rohingya are ferociously evil and will continue until stopped" sayeth the Buddhist nationalists in Myanmar. Jews are “ferociously evil and will continue until stopped” saeth Nazis and antisemitic Soviets.

We’ve heard it before many times over just the last century. The bigger picture is that people swallow this argument time and again and believe that killing on an industrial scale will somehow help, 'cause this time will be different.

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I know you won’t fire on unarmed children who aren’t clearly presenting an imminent threat. But I am not so confident that every pissed off landowner that has been dealing with our broken border policies for the past couple decades will be so discreet about what they are shooting at. Or any property owner that finds themselves fearful because they hear a group of people moving by in the dark. The way I read this law it allows property owners to treat anyone walking through their property even miles away from their home, carrying no weapons and presenting no direct threats, the same as someone who has broken into their home.

The castle doctrine makes sense when uninvited guests enter your home without permission. It doesn’t make sense when applied to people walking or even running by. The imminent threat levels are significantly different.

The main problems I see are that the vast majority of the small percentage of these people who are terrorists are going to be coming over the border unarmed. They want to blend in and wait for their moment. The vast majority of the masses crossing the border are economic refugees with some legitimate political refugees thrown in. They are all going to look the same running through the fields and woods during the day and especially at night.

Also most of these people likely feel that they have been openly invited to the U.S. Why should they feel they are not wanted here with the current administration’s words and actions? Plus they have NGOs facilitating this diaspora, often with US government funding, by helping them get to the border, as well as the drug cartels taking their cut to help them get across. Then when they get across they are given transportation and money to help them settle in. All they have to do is step across the border.

There are already laws on the books in AZ that say if these people break into our homes, or pose an imminent threat of death or severe bodily harm wherever else we encounter them then we can use deadly force to defend ourselves and our families to stop the threat.

Making it legal to shoot anyone crossing through our property who is not presenting an imminent threat is not a good idea. It would very likely end up leading to more infringements on our rights to self defense in the future because it would only take a couple photos of dead kids and pregnant women to shift even more people into the all gun owners are murderers camp.

It would likely lead to calls for illuminating the castle doctrine which would put all home owners and their families in significantly more physical and legal danger.


Arizona is already one of the states allowed to use deadly force to protect property! The only difference is now they need to override biden’s executive order to include illegals!!!

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Do you have links to all the actual codes applying to that? The last time I checked, outside of attempts to get into an actual dwelling, AZ laws did not authorize defense of stuff outside the dwelling except under some specific circumstances that had a whole bunch of subjective qualifiers on them.

It has been a couple years since I read through all the AZ laws but the impression I got back then was that if someone wasn’t in, or attempting to get in, your dwelling the only legally safe reason to use deadly force was if someone was presenting an imminent threat of death or severe bodily harm to yourself or others.


‘Let em come
Let em come
Let em come’

That’s all I have to say about that.
Soon, it will be time to put up or shut up
a warm reception awaits


I am not at all for “letting them come”. But I’m also not for machine gunning them all at the border to keep them out.

Though with the current administration’s complete incompetence on the matter there is an increasing risk it will come to that.


What some fail to understand is there will likely be NO Border fight.
Why would there be? HUH?
They are already here in sufficient numbers to do Mass damage on a grand scale
Make 9/11 look like a friggin’ picnic.
Do you folks realize that the numbers in the northern Blue cities are already doing
horrendous damage to our Cities, Our Economy? our way of life? and that is without major firefights.
The .gov is doing wonderfully without lifting a finger
They’ve got us arguing and bickering worse than 1861 !
We don’t know who is the next two groups to be hating each other, And they fund BOTH sides!
BLM, Palestine, White vs everybody, Hispanics vs. Migrants fighting over the 1% they don’t own yet!
We are fighting for table scraps while the fat cats eat Filet Mignon.

I hope Grass hoppers taste better w/ Tabasco


Still stirring the pot as usual I see.


Chocolate covered grass hoppers are awesome!!!


That is the goal. As many us against thems as they can possibly create while the real threats to our freedom, those sitting in DC and their backers, keep on hovering up all the money and resources.


Yup. The ‘Reality’ of this is the Unreality of their Master Plan.
Do they really feel the Chinese will leave them alone?
That when we’ve exhausted ourselves fighting everybody the Chinese will sweep
in and finish the Job
 and They will be left in power?..or even alive?
Even if the Chinese aren’t involved
right! so why did they then
PAY for all the Influence
the B.Crime family were paid? just for sh**s and grins I guess

Why buy all the farms and Prime real estate then, to charge rent?
Why the push to make Meat ILLEGAL?
Destroy Industry
Destroy Energy resources? Remember this friends, These Industries are just
Temporarily shut down. They can be restarted again toot sweet when the new Bosses come to town.

It’s diabolical


I think all has been said what needs to be said. I still can’t resist a good sale

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Never had one.

I however do enjoy Apis mellifera regurgitation infused with capsaicin!