they’ll try one way or another
“Divorcing the right to freely approach the gun counter at a firearm retailer and the rights to keep and bear arms is a dangerous slope. Firearms are legal products, available for anyone to freely purchase who is over the age of 18 for long guns or 21 for handguns, provided that individual is purchasing the firearm for him or herself and can pass the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). Conditioning that right – whether through waiting periods which are an attempt to delay the exercise of that right – or by unmooring the right to legally purchase a firearm is a violation of the rights that belong to the people”.
It’s amazing to me that we are being subjected to all the assaults on our rights just because the ‘Elite’s’
have a program of DISARMAMENT of 'WE THE PEOPLE" so they can complete the power grab they started since the Clinton/Obama regimes initiated it.
If we continue to let them chip away @ our rights we soon won’t have any @ all
Historically, Disarmament leads to CONFISCATION
There is already the “What do you need Guns for…” argument.
The Powers in place will continue to throw stuff against the wall until they get what they want.
It’s sickening
Well said, and 100% on target. No other right gets trampled the same way. Imagine if voting were as difficult as getting and bearing a simple handgun for self defense. I can’t understand any gun owner ever voting for a politician that is anti-2A. I saw an article earlier this morning quoting Harris saying she has no issue going door to door with police to confiscate “prohibited” firearms. Think about that for a second. Since then, the article goes on to say, she’s “changed her position” but we all know that’s only to appeal to moderates and lie her way into office.
she owns it she can’t take it back to late for that!!
Read the above linked article and then consider the ATF’s recently crafted rules regarding just who may be considered a “gun dealer”. Read these new regulations concerning private sales and one quickly sees that NOBODY can determine what activities constitute being a dealer as opposed to being a private individual who occasionally sells a personal firearm. They’re already comfortable with murdering un-arrested, un-charged, un-convicted persons “of Interest” to cow the rest of us into compliance.
See the dovetail between the court rulings and the ATF regs?
Nothing will change until our worldview changes. Not all the founders were religious (most were), but they understood the prevailing worldview and made sure the documents of our country reflected that worldview. After all, they were there to represent the people of the nation.
There can only be one worldview (Biblical) for something as miraculous as the constitution to have a chance of surviving. Otherwise, come as you please, make it up as you go along, or change it when you feel like it. That’s what is going on in practically every segment of society right now. Our founding fathers understood this…
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” – John Adams
My thoughts is if the LEFT wins in Nov we are doomed, I hope we have enough sane people to do right thing
Hey everybody, just so you know, I sent in my renewal for my Mass LTC today. They won’t notify you when it’s time to renew and it will take 3 months for them to complete the process, so mark your calendar to let you know that it’s time to renew. As an out of state carrier, you must fill out the 3 page form and send it in with a bank check for $100.00 every year, and you will need to do this 3 months before the date of expiration shown on your LTC. Now that being said, I called the Mass Firearms Record Bureau at (617)660-4782 to be sure that the forms that I had filled out last year were the same and was told that they were. I asked because as of August 1st there were going to be new restrictions to what you can carry in Mass. Well, like any responsible law abiding LTC carrier would do, I asked the person on the other end of the phone what these changes in the law and new restrictions would be. The only answer he would give me was “I am not allowed to comment on that”. So I told him that I travel through Mass frequently from CT to NH and I’m always carrying, and again he replied “I am not allowed to comment on that”. So, now it makes me wonder, what’s up. Bill #4885 is 116 pages of confusion and I sure would like to know if there’s a trap hidden somewhere in there.
Welcome @Joe214. As for the law and forms I have but one question. Was it written and passed by liberals? If the answer is yes, and I believe it is, there’s plenty hidden in there.
Hello and welcome @Joe214
@Joe214 Welcome to the community!
.gov (today) is not your friend.
A massive case of distrust over the last 3.5 years is HEALTHY!
Good first post Brother Joe! Welcome to the fold.
Thank you, I may have been mistaken about the number of pages in Bill H.4885. Later in the evening I saw a video put out by Toby, the owner of Cape Gun Works. I think he said the bill was 140 pages. I also think that the reason the person that I spoke with. that said that he was not allowed to comment on my question, was because he too was against the bill. Another video I watched said the the Mass State Troopers were against this bill. It got me to thinking that the person I spoke with was a Mass State Trooper. I have been to this facility in Chelsea Ma. and I remember seeing a lot of State Troopers that also work there. That may have been the case.
Far more comfortable to say that statement than I am.