Come and take’m bitch.
That’s a L O L worthy proposal
She’s just after our beer, eh.
And that would be bad? Let em go…the left will never win a presidential election again.
Well, we do need San diago with its naval base. Let them have the rest of it. We need the nuke sub base and whidby island in WA. Let them have the rest.
Nope, South Lake Tahoe goes to Nevada.
Well, United States stays in tacked. All anti-gun people are welcome to defect to Canada, open arms awaiting
. There, it’s settled.
Or Canada can just surrender to the United States by voluntarily becoming a Statehood, 51st State.
PEACEFULLY. (1776) Then Greenland can follow up and join in to be the 52nd.
I see a worthwhile trade opportunity here. NY, CA and IL go to Canada, and we’ll take the Yukon territory and Alberta.
They get 72M liberals, including the hollywierdos that were going to move there anyway, and we get unspoiled land rich in oil. Win win!
All the Hollyweird elites who kept “threatening” to move to Canada if Trump wins never moved because they don’t like Canada. Cede CA to Canada and all those lunatics will move to TX, MT, AZ, CO, and other states. Keep the loonies in the asylum. If they start moving around, infecting other states, the Senate & White House start looking like CA.
And we could certainly use the shipping ports… so there IS in fact a need for the west coast,… even if we disagree with their policies…
She can have Hawaii
Nope, all the blue states will become RED as soon as we have a National Voter ID law so we’ll clean them up. We want Canada and Greenland for the natural resources and the folks that are as tired of the liberal bullshit as we are. Time to get the retards off the reins.
We can’t pick all the cherries off the tree here. They won’t want it if all they get is hollyweird and desert land. Then they can pay the stupid high income tax Canada has. They always say taxes should be higher. Let them pay it.
What if we throw in Gavin Newsome?
The next PM?
He’d love to be the new Canadian PM!!!
Great White North tent city
Nah, they would bitch about having to learn to seal hunt.
I wonder how long it’d be before she begged us to take them back…
What the actual F***??
Totally wall them in…