Lets See those Pro Freedom memes

Why would the Governor of New Mexico!! Want to disarm the GOOD PEOPLE :bangbang:of New Mexico. And put the cittcens of her . State!! In Even more Danger.!! And blame the voters for what the criminals . Have Done.And. Are Doing!! Why . Does she choose to put the people that want to be safe and . Protect their family and . They are . In danger more. So then when she . Took . The voters rights Away. In the name.of. SAFTY. !! That’s not what the constitution. We took an. OATH TO DEFEND. ! !! Shall not be infringed!! A . Very very sad day for New Mexico . !! Just the GOVENOR has protection. What is WRONG WITH THESE . .!! People that we. Give power. Of life and Death over us. Or . Are We. WHATS WRONG THE UNITED STATES IS . Making up to Law as it goes . And not for the American people take her protection away . And give it to the cartel !!!

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Because she is a dim-o-crap and the first thing a tyrant does is disarm the ppl before the take over.


William 191 SIR. I BLEAVE THERES A LOT . More . To what is going on.in our country!! It’s not Democrats . And it’s not Republicans,!! This is . MUCH. Bigger ,!!! And A . VERY VERY LOT OF AMERICANS CAN . FEEL . Some THING IS GOING ON IN OUR COUNTRY . Much MUCH BIGGER :bangbang:IT FEELS MORE LIKE ESPENOGE THAT WORD​:bangbang: OUR NASHION IS UNDER ATACK :bangbang:. And its not with BULLETS ITS WITH PROPAGANDA :bangbang:AND MIS INFORMATION.:bangbang:China. And our LEADERSHIP IS . In bed to gather and . Every one is afraid to say what they think I think it ,:bangbang: TREASON :bangbang: by BOTH SIDES . Our Government is. BEHIND IT . ALL. And it’s not GOOD. OUR COUNTRY IS BEING STOLEN FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Right FROM BEFORE OUR VERY EYES :bangbang::bangbang:AND WE KNOW IT THIS . Has been going on since fast and furious. Tractor trailers full of WEPONS UNDER PRESIDENT OBMA. :bangbang:AND THE BILL CLENTON . And Hillary giving away 25,PERCENT OF THE WORLDS .URANIUM :bangbang:and bengosie AND ENBASATER. Stevens BEING MURRDERED. And Hunter and the Laptop from. HELL. :bangbang:To the DESTRUCTION OF THE HISTORIC STACHUSES​:bangbang::bangbang:AND OUR MONEY . THE TREASURY HAS NO MONEY BUT PAPER . No GOLD OR SILVER TO BACK IT. And what ALL THE FORNERS COMING IN TO OUR COUNTRY AND THAT NEVER SAY THAT THEY NEED TOOK AN OATH TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN FACT THEY SAY THEY HATE US . And how we are running ELECTONS TO SEE WHO IS OUR LEADERS THE VOTING IS . A SCAM​:bangbang:I DO NOT SPELL . WELL. But I just made MORE SENSE THAN EVERYONE ELSE IN WASHINGTON.D.C. :bangbang:OUR NASHION IN IN REAL. TROUBLE :bangbang: DOSE ANYONE. CARE ABOUT . THEIR . CHILDREN. An GRAND CHILDREN,:bangbang: AND I HUNTER .:question::question::question: TRUELY GOING TO GET AWAY WITH ALL THE CRIMINAL STUFF THAT HE AND THE BIG GUY HAS DONE :white_check_mark:. AND ARE DOING . Right NOW :bangbang: I HAVE GRADE ,6 AND I KNOW THIS IS ALL WORNG. What is EVERYONE ELSE EXSQUICE. That word :question::question::question::question: OUR NASHION IS THE LAUGHTER OF THE WORLD NO ONE LOVES THE UNITED STATES AND NO ONE FEARS THE UNITED STATES AFTER LESS THAN FOUR YEARS THIS HAS HAPPENED MY .GOD . Bobby Jean :owl::feather::feather::chile::us::bangbang:sad very sad

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A lot of truth in what you said Bobbyjean. I truly believe there is going’s to be another civil war breaking the US into 3-5 different countries. Better decide which area still holds to the closest to the constitution and our god given truths and move there when possible. One reason I came back to Kentucky. I live in the central part now but can get to those hills and hollers in a cpl hours and be lost to the world.

I think about all the ppl going off grid and becoming sustenance farmers like my mamaw and great mamaw. My great mamaw, now there was a pioneer woman! Didn’t put up any BS and ran a tight ship. Grew everything she ate and lived free. Damn I need to get off my arse and learn what she knew.

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Not sure where to put this one. It’s something to think about and saves your family lots of hassle.

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I don’t know man. All that plastic out in the sun and heat like that. They just might melt. Ooooooh, my Glock is melting!


That takes appendix carry to a whole new level!



I was at Cracker Barrel one time. I found a metal…thing. One side said “American Freedom.” The other side said “Made in China.”


The China Strong ones say Made in the USA :rofl:


Bought my Flag here,


“These American flags are durable and made to last, made proudly right here in the U.S. by our team of highly professional flag experts!”

But that’s just me.




Pretty sad when other Nations Leaders understand, yet our elected leaders prefer to do nothing. As an American that clip embarrassed me. A freaking room full of our allies and now former allies.


Nailed it!



My S&W m&p 2,0. 9, millamiter is the steel model . And it’s not going to melt it might burn your rocks off but melt never . And I figured out to buy my tools made out of steel and wood !! I found out the resale value is . Not so good at all if it’s not .!!! Made to Last . So I AM blessed I buy American and now new an INPROVED plastic or substance !!! It’s LOTS HEAVYER BUT IF YOU RUN OUT OF AMMUNITION YOU CAN STILL HAVE A WEPON KAZ . My old black Hawk made a great hammer . In an emergency and it did not even hurt it .!!! If I had an m,1. It would be my favorite even better than my A.R. !!! But nothing to see here just move along !!! I love to say that nothing to see here just move along. It sounds so afeshil. That word stay safe and remember . W.D,40 is the best friend for humidity and your rust. :us::chile::owl::feather::feather::100::bangbang::heart:k

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3rd times a charm


I’ve had some embarrassing moments to tell my grandkids, but this?
When the world is set back on its axis, this will be hard to explain, keeping in mind, it’s out there forever. My embarrassments remain in my head. Until there’s someone worthy!
Yet nothing comes close to this fool!