Lets See those Pro Freedom memes

Washington, D.C., is a city filled with meaning and symbolism in the form of memorial statues.
I find it noteworthy that entering the city by crossing the Potomac RIver on Memorial Bridge from Arlington Cemetery in Virginia, leading to the circle around the Lincoln Memorial, you are greeted by a pair of horses’ asses, and two old men groping naked, nubile, young women

[photos courtesy of Google Maps Streetview.]


She did say the first sentence in an interview on TheDaily Show. There is no proof she ever said the second sentence. Check Snopes or any other fact checker service. I don’t like her at all, but I also believe in the truth. This meme should be removed as fake news and an Islamaphobic slur.


Good video :+1:. Would watch again.

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We did not have fact checkers until the truth started coming out.

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snopes??? has been proven to be left leaning and bogus…

in fact far too many of the so called fact checkers are mostly ruled by personal opinion…

as to islam… have you ever actually read their book?

are you aware of what it actually says??? if not I strongly suggest you do so…

I see so many people cry islamaphobia about post made…

thing is the vast majority of the post are TRUE!!!


FACT! slavery is still practiced in many islamic countries!!! that is a KNOWN FACT!!!

you are of course free to have an opinion… but to say remove because???

have you ever seen the imams green book? find it and look!!!

READ their book!!!

Islam is a theocracy not just a religion… maybe you can start here?

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if your gay ya get thrown off a building…

if you NOT of islam you must pay a tax!

You must also wear special clothing and symbals…

they are permitted to lie… even encouraged to lie… to further Islam…

they are NOT permitted to make friends with non-islamics…

I could go on… but way better if you do a bit of research!!!

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Ummm…if you are using memes to get your news information, you’re gonna have a bad day. They are JOKES!! You know, for a forum full of gun owners who train to end a threat with deadly force if need be, there sure are a lot of sensitive people on here…


I feel that we train to stop a threat.


No s#!t. End a threat, stop a threat, tomato, tomato. I also said if need be. I think you are focusing on the wrong part of that statement.

You say tomato I say resilience. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m focusing on you saying “deadly force”. Training to use the amount of force that is necessary to stop a threat is the focus. If it’s lethal or deadly force due to an aggressor not stopping, that is what it takes. However, if the aggressor stops without the requirement of deadly force, then the application of deadly force, can cause legal issues.

Sorry that offends you. Maybe, take a moment to be clear in your communication, before you decide that you are

the voice of a forum full of gun owners. I am a gun owner on this forum and I train to use the amount of force necessary to stop a threat. If that is deadly force, so be it, that’s what was required to stop it. However, if the threat is stopped, by a lesser level of force. That does not imply that a further escalation of force is lawful.

There is a difference. For example the citizen who stopped the aggressor in Houston. Which, by the way in my opinion, was a legitimate use of force. However his fate, is no longer under his control. As many are pushing for charges to be pressed against him. Due to the threat being stopped and he chose to apply deadly force by shooting the aggressor a number of additional times after the threat was stopped.

If the additional shots had not been used he would have had the keys to the city most likely. But now he is waiting to find out his future.

Edited To include last paragraph and video.

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Im not as easily offended as you think I am.

I was talking s#!t about people whining and getting their panties bunched up about jokes on here. It had absolutely nothing to do with the specifics of self defense or what is or isn’t legal, moral, or otherwise. I also was not acting as the voice for anybody but myself. I simply found it funny that a forum full of gun owners has so many f-ing crybabies.

Before this becomes Olddude v Dave part 2 Im going to end my part of this conversation here and go back to laughing at jokes.

I don’t think anything about you, nor am I offended. This is a public forum. Nothing that happens here affects my day to day life. I try to point out issues that may result in complications for someone. Or I post about an issue that I think may be relevant.

As far as @OldDude49 and @Dave17, I’m pretty sure I’ve made my position pretty clear. :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:.

I got to say I did not enjoy that… nor do I enjoy pointing out FACTS to people…

when IMHO if they were serious about their future they would have or should have already checked out…

I guess some folks missed the truth train where some things are involved???








I don’t mean anything derogatory to either of you. It was sort of an irresistible force meets an immovable object. It is/was illuminating.