Lets See those Pro Freedom memes

problem is he still retains that seat… planned perhaps…

the repub party picks who runs???


They might not pick who runs but parties sure do influence who wins.


I remember Tulsi calling out the DNC for shenanigans in the 2016 primaries. She’s been on their blacklist ever since.


Very clever, if you are a church you will definitely object to this, and it will look “biggoted.” Sadder, some republicans are jumping on board.

Why are they targeting muslims? There are churches that accept gay marriage, but I don’t know of any mosques that perform that ceremony. So this law will disproportionately affect minorities. Why does Congress hate minorities?

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What about the law limiting wives to one? Mormons believe a man can have more than one wife as well.

No disrespect to you, this is one of the problems we have in the US right now. Everybody looking to carve out their own special niche in an established culture. Go over to a muslim countries and tell them you want to open a church and see how it goes

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I’ve never really understood the compelling government interest in marriage. A man can legally have a wife and multiple mistresses; no one cares. But if that same baby-daddy has two wives, the bureaucrats lose their mind. What sense does that make?

I think that comes from our founding fathers belief as Judeo-Christians. That is where we also get many of our rights as citizens of the US. We also get many laws from the British common law and the abuses the royalty did under those laws.

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I kind of agree. But then shouldn’t we be stoning harlots in the street and allowing polygamous marriage, like the Hebrews did? Seems like we’ve done a 180, where anything goes so long are you’re not married.

Hebrews didn’t allow multiple wives to my knowledge. That was reserved for royalty (it’s good to be the king). Also British common law didn’t allow for either as well. Stoning was seen as barbaric sometime around (not positive of the dates) 900-1100 time frame. The early settlers to America were puritans with a strict since of values. Can’t think of the exact wording but the bible does mention a single man to a single woman. Not multiple women.

That’s Timothy 3. It doesn’t say men can only have one wife, but it does say that leaders in the church should only have one wife. Having many wives would be distracting. Other virtues listed are “temperate, sensible, dignified, hospitable, an apt teacher, no drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, and no lover of money.”

There are other passages that talk about the need to have one man married to one wife, but those (that I can recall) are in the context of remaining chaste vs having a sexual partner. Even Jesus said (I’m paraphrasing) it’s better to remain single, but most of you couldn’t handle it.

The Hebrews, along with many other cultures of the time, did allow for multiple wives. But you are correct, it was generally for the wealthy, who could afford it. I tend to think it’d be more than most American men would be able to handle, but if 3 adults want to enter a relationship like that, I don’t see why it’s any of by business.

Multiple wives happened in Hebrew culture, but I wouldn’t say it was allowed. The commandment to not commit adultery is a prescription for one man and one woman for a lifetime.

Of course, the penalty for having more than one wife is having more than one mother in law…


IMHO it’s because the muslims are very willing to get violent and start killin people…

so they don’t say anything to em or include em…

whereas christians tend to be more live and let live???

if ya been payin attention some muslims got all up in the face of a school district recently!!!

also this could be of interest to some…









I wish I could be the kind of man that woman has to make her want to make the video

It’s not adultery if you’re married to her. Or if you own her.
Abraham, Israel, David, Solomon…