Is there a required political or religious connection in USCCA?

As a Veteran I swore an oath to defend US Constitutional laws and have never at 78 years violated it.

As a IrishAmerican whose family settled in the state of Massachusetts in the 1700 who family members have alway tried to stay ready. But shooting as a sport is dead, and where I use to shoot many of the places even in the midwest I use to shoot at have closed. In California up north is even worst. Shooting outdoors are ok, but half no longer seem governed by the NRA rules, where as indoor still are. So need help finding a place to practice close to home.


Welcome to the forum.
Search for clubs in your area.


Thank you for your service.

Not sure what you mean by up north which IMO is the red/conservative part of Sodom and Gomorrah.

As for the title of the thread, simple answer is no.


Only for USCCA Community.
The best is to be a “Christian Republican”…

but even you are not… we still Welcome you to this Community :handshake:



@Joseph615 Welcome to the community and thank you for your service fellow VETERAN!


I was never informed of such a requirement…


Well, I’m a pagan, so the religious idea is out!

Ted is a communist, so I’m gonna have to say then political alignment isn’t a requirement either


Welcome aboard!

There is no political component to USCCA membership. The organization itself is apolitical/won’t support particular politicians or parties. USCCA will back laws/bills/etc that support the Right to arms and the Right to self defense.


Title completely threw me off and it’s way too early for all that. All ready starring down inmates acting normal stupid and just got my first cup of coffee going. Make some popcorn and assume the position at some point you’re getting a connection after opening with that.

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And wait sorry still too early to read thru everything first… there was sodomy action going on at 2 am and no invites?

I gave my Oath when I entered the Air Force, then again when I reenlisted in the USAF, and then again when I enlisted in the US Army, my Oath never expires as well. Best to leave California if you can, I exited the Socialist state of Illinois last year and now live in a Constitutional Carry state, a free State, so far. I and friends are building a very professional range on a farm, lots of space. We have a well thought out CQ Combat range with lots of stages, walls, doors, halls, barrels, and as for the targets - unlimited possibilities.
Stay clear of the NRA would be my advice, SAF and the GOA are great, so far, as for a certain party of belief, all are welcome, just be prepared to defend your position with facts and not feelings, and EVERYONE CAN HAVE AN OPINION, some here will find that impossible, so when you find that one dude that just cannot accept your opinion, scream ENOUGH! And stop replying to that under aged person.

Thank you for your service.


Oh brother…


Thanks, Joseph.
No affiliation would be better, but we still allow religious nuts here. Have a a little fun with them but stay on target unless you want to waste a lot of your time?
There are a lot of great actual discussions with open people and I suggest spending your time on those.
Where are you trying to shoot? I’m in NC. It is purple, but outside of the few big cities, things are mostly red.


we allow all kinda nuts here… LOL… some seem to have have sever TDS…

some SEEM like they are actually anti 2nd… some seem very anti-religious…

we got a long list of so called nuts… some seem even anti-fun!!! go look at the meme stuff!!! :laughing:

singling out any specific group seems a bit nutty as well… :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :wolf: :wolf: :wolf:


Queue photo. Ready…aim…here you go! (Seemed like good time for this…again! Truly, I can’t help myself!)

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It’s a historical fact that Jesus lived. While it’s a historical fact that Godzilla is a fictional creature. Not starting an argument only stating the obvious.


Oh and thanks for your service.

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The Person ( Jesus) may have lived… God however Is a man made construct much like Godzilla …


Thank you so much for your devotion and service …

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Yes, it is a fact that Jesus lives where two or more are gathered in His name. Since we are on the subject.