Cleaning… yeah… um.
New guns, every time I shoot them, for maybe the first 500 rounds.
After that, depends on how much I’m shooting them… over 250 rounds? Clean it.
50 rounds? Maybe not each visit to the range, but not more than 2 weeks or so since the last cleaning.
In the safe and no rounds? Once a year, although I think I’ll switch to quarterly on account of the humid summers.
Which is not what USCCA teaches… in class the right answer is “shoot it? clean it.”
Probably should up my game on that one.
I have a feeling there are a lot keeping you company in this one, @Zee.
I do a deep cleaning after every range visit so about once a month.
Basic cleaning - every time when I’m back from range (300 - 400 rounds) - even the gun is not dirty, I do this to be sure it is fully functional.
Deep cleaning - after 5000 - 6000 rounds.
I clean and oil every week weather I shoot or not and always right after I shoot… oh and I discovered Lucas gun oil LOVE IT will never go back to rem oil
I do a quick clean to my carry gun every time I shoot it.
Every time I shoot it. I do it that often because I want to make sure it will function properly should the need for it arise and also because, let us be honest, it is an expensive investment.
Looks everyone has good habit here - clean every time you shoot or every week if you don’t shoot. The point is that with field strip and / or cleaning you are sure that firearm works properly !
My motto: “Guns save lives”… but only if they work…
I try to clean my guns every time I shoot them, but I’ll be honest…I sometimes skip cleaning the 1911s because they’re SO HARD to put back together! I end up running to my next door neighbor, who is also my shooting buddy and a mechanic, to help me out nearly every time I take apart a 1911. That’s a lot. I’m hoping that with time and practice I’ll be able to put the damn things back together myself --after all, 1911s are my favorite guns to shoot – but I’m sure not there yet. Whoever thought bushings and springs should go together? A sadist, that’s who!!! I haven’t given up yet, though. Except for reassembly, I rather enjoy the cleaning process. Makes me feel more tuned in to my guns. But the reassembly of the 1911s makes me think I’m just not cut out to carry or shoot them. If anyone has a secret method of putting 1911s back together, please tell me! I’m dying here!
Even Harry Potter cannot help here…
lol funny @Jerzees !!! I haven’t given up yet, though.
Sorry but That’s the one thing some folks hate about 1911s: Putting them back together. Rocket science for sure.
When I was in the Army back in 1969 we had to dissemble and assemble every weapon eyes closed. It’s been awhile but most did it under a minute. Everything from 1911 to M16A1 to M60 Machine Gun to M79 Grenade Launcher. Keep after it, you’re going to get the hang of it.
Good luck to you
Thanks so much, @Robert8 I went to AOCS in 1980 and had to field strip the US Rifle M1 with eyes closed, and I was the fastest in my company. But that was many years ago and the M1 is simple compared to the 1911. I’m not going to give up. Too much affinity for 1911s. Your encouragement helps, too. I can’t believe you were able to master so many weapons, but that’s what you need to do in the military, where it may mean your life on the line.
@Jorge I like your analogy to rocket science! It sure feels like that! Got to have strong hands, too, which is not my forte. But I’ll keep at it and eventually hope my perseverance pays off. Youtube can help, too!
@Nancy YouTube is where I go for help too. Helpful place when I purchased my first gun. We know you can do it. We have faith in you.
@Jorge (((smile)))
@Nancy. Nancy just take it one day at a time. Everything is going to be fine. One day you will surprise yourself when it all comes together for you.
Please keep us posted… maybe you open a new topic, so we can see your progress
@Robert8, @Jerzees, everybody else, too. You all are great support. I’ll keep you posted here on my progress, and I DO expect progress from myself. I mean it when I say thank you for all your supportive words and your help. Keeps me coming back…
@Nancy Nancy new friend. If you stop pressuring yourself and just do it without to much though involved then all of a sudden you will find assembly and dissembling is going to become mechanical. Don’t worry you’re going to master it.