How often do you clean your firearm?...after every trip to the range?, or every other trip?...or every third trip?

@Brian_K - I have had that problem for years. I wear heavy prisms in my glasses to eliminate double images, but the distance at the end of my firearm is right where my middle distance lens focuses, and I only wear those glasses in front of the computer. Consequently, I closed my off eye.

Then, a couple of weeks ago, I found myself shooting with both eyes open and shooting better than usual. It wasn’t an intentional act.

Go figure.


Hahaha oh man you were a Corpsman? God bless you devil duck. We always took care of our Corpsman. You guys would give us IV bags when we were hung over just for some practice. Not me. I hate getting stuck. In Okinawa I bunked with our Corpsman. His name was Meyers. Good dude.


Ahhh the wonders of lactated ringers for curing a hangover. We seemed to have alot of accidents with ours as they always seemed to be damaged or missing. No idea why. Nothing like 0500 duty and rolling in at 0430. 2 aspirin, 1 bag of ringers, Visine and some mouthwash and was good to go.


Vitamin M. Motrin. Get your finger shot off. Motrin, arm blown off, Motrin, stub your toe, 500 mg Motrin. Lol


Everyone who tells me they shoot with both eyes open says it is so much better than the one eye open method. I’ll get back out there this weekend and work at it. Maybe speak to some others to see how they eliminated that double vision matter. I’ll keep you posted!


My thoughts, based on case work involving both citizen- and police-involved shootings…you might do yourself some small favors by cleaning your primary carry arm prior to leaving the range. God forbid you are called upon to present an arm to dissuade an attacker, and further so to an exchange of finality. Been there/done that/got the T-shirt, and that gave depth and color to my investigations of similar events.

Just a few words about most of the predators that pose threats to folks like us (and cops). My old client population much prefers to lie and subsequently die from having done so than to proffer truth and enable immortality. That is the founding tenet of Criminal World. More than once my citizens and deputies gave statements about having only displayed firearms in defense of life and safety, while Mr. Hood Rat truthlessly claimed that he was strafed in detail and only just barely escaped Death’s Door through Divine Intervention. A quick look at the victims’ firearms usually bore out their stated beliefs, due to absence of discharge evidence. FWIW.


11 posts were split to a new topic: Stacked Magazines?

I will clean mine after every trip. With my rifle on the other hand with it being locked in a case I will pull it out every now and then just to wipe it down and go over everything on it like check the batteries and so on.


Considering the emphasis on situational readiness constantly being emphasized in every issue and post of USCCA, combined with the inability to foresee even moments into the future, I don’t know how not doing a basic strip down cleaning after each trip to the range can be justified.

I’m not afraid to die. I just prefer that the cause of death not include the words “…he died stupid and lazy.”


Technical grammar rules aside, you can test the theory… pick any group in the south and ask “Y’all wanna go to lunch?” … betcha a dollar they all look offended because you only asked ONE of them to lunch… :rofl:
^^ been there, done that, got schooled for it :joy: “Don’t be rude, the rest of us want to go too.” :grimacing: :laughing:


Hmmm I just usually get stampeded.


All y’all need to stop this bickering!


As a kid, I was religious about cleaning every time I shot. - Right on track with the Marine Corps. Since retiring from the Corps, I’ve gradually gotten less focused about having clean firearms. In my mind, reliability is the single most important criteria for pistol selection. I’m partial to Glocks and own several. Using crummy quality ammo (for the extra dirt factor), I’ve run several torture tests on them to see how many rounds it takes to get them dirty enough to start to have failures to function. While the Glocks are still trooping along just fine, I usually start feeling guilty between 3000 - 4000 rounds and break down and clean them.

A perfectly clean firearm isn’t necessary. The bottom line is that a clean firearm functions better than a dirty one.


My weapons are broken down cleaned and lubed every single time they get used. And that is about every 2 weeks as I am fortunate enough to have built a range on my property indoor and outdoor.


Totally f*@%# jealous


Yes my property is in the city limits I have 25 acres. The city zoning guy and the cops here are pretty easy to work with the range is for family and my use only.


you have much, too much, time on your hands.


clean them? we"re supposed to clean them?!?!?


@james300 I also clean my weapon when I come back from every range trip. You would be amazed out gummed up and how hard it gets to rack the slide if you don’t Mike.