Hollywood Strikes Again: Cover vs. Concealment

We all know that drywall won’t stop a bullet, so why does Hollywood insist on implying that it will?

What other items have you seen Hollywood call cover when it’s just concealment?

Video clip links are welcome. :smiley:


Sons of Anarchy


Couches, tables, empty refrigerators, pretty sure I’ve seen a movie using those cheap corkboard magazine holders as one.

I’ve also seen in movies where a coin or badge stops bullets. (I wear a badge, you’ve seen the pics in another thread). They’re extremely cheap and soft metal.

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Same reason that Hollywood insists I can shoot any random barrel or car and it will explode.

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My favorite current police show, NCIS often shows agents hiding behind car doors - concealment - almost, cover, not unless it’s ordered for police service with bullet resistant panels. One of the reasons the .357 was developed was back in John Dillenger’s day, car doors were heavier and stopped many .38 rounds. Current car doors are lighter thinner and the only thing that won’t penetrate would be a BB gun or .380/9mm shorts. 9mm penetrate, but may not have enough umph to injure those behind it. .45 ACP PROBABLY would injure occupants. Most everything else will penetrate and injure or kill those behind it.

You’d think with a Gunnery Sgt. Scout Sniper US Marine as lead, they would do better, but suspension of disbelief is required to enjoy the shows.

My wife won’t watch any more, being a retired cop, she gets tired if of me telling her mistakes the agents make that’ll get them killed. All too often, I’m right and they knock off another agent in the show, NCIS is not afraid of that…


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