HOA in Chicago wants to ban residents from carrying firearms in all common areas

Same I just want to move out of Illinois State in general but how does a Honest Kind person carry on the streets in Chicago when u have to walk your dogs, are there any suggestions on this issue, what if u have a standard 12 round magazine


10 rounds magazine no problem


I should look for one for the Sig

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Under the new legislation, according to CBS Chicago, long guns will be limited to 10 rounds per magazine, and handguns cannot have more than 15 rounds. It also bans “switches” — devices which convert legal handguns into assault weapons — and additionally extends the ability of courts to prevent “dangerous individuals” from owning a gun through firearm restraining orders, the governor’s office said


@Mike164 , it’s because the MSM has repeated the narrative (lie) that all guns are bad, and that all people who have them are either bloodthirsty, or reckless, or dangerous, or all three, that now too many people honestly believe that the whole world will be safer with fewer guns in it, not considering who is in possession of the guns.

They no longer make the distinction between a good, law abiding guy (or gal) with a gun and a gangbanger with one. There was an article posted on the community not long ago about a coffee shop that refused to serve a local cop because their no guns policy didn’t allow him in the store! It’s really that stupid out there!


seems to me the rule or law they’re purposing is very UNCONSTITUTIONAL???

it is your home??? and you have certain right under that Constitution???

keep and BEAR arms IIRC
 that purposed rule/law flies in it’s face so to speak???

perhaps having a talk about the possible law suites with both the HOA etc

could maybe change their minds??? Might even want to contact a 2nd amendment group???

even a HOA can’t violate the Constitution IIRC

Well I guess then just using my standard Sig Sauer 365xl should be okay, I would just like to know more about the laws in Chicago because I mainly walk dogs with my sister who is unarmed but I want her to get a food card and ccl li license for Chicago

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HOAs bring up a whole host of ownership and rights issues that might but most likely do not fall under constitutional protections. My understanding is that when you purchase a home in an HOA you are agreeing to abide by whatever rules they have in place and whatever rules the Association chooses to enact in the future. So in an HOA it might be your home but you have volunteered to give up significant control over what you can and can’t do with, on and sometimes in it.

The bill of rights was originally only designed to make the Federal government respect individuals rights. The 14th Amendment has been deemed to extend that to State Governments as well. Private organizations are generally not bound by those conditions.

Moral of the story is don’t buy a property where private entities reserve the ability to tell you what rights you are free to exercise on “your” property. I would never buy a property that was part of an HOA unless there was absolutely no way to avoid it. I know a couple of people who were forced to do stupid things or not allowed to do perfectly logical things because they violated some HOA rule.

I would never again live in an HOA neighborhood. I lived in one for a while that boarderd a tidal river/estuary. They insisted on green grass, year round. I refused to put fertilizer on my lawn because I didn’t t want it going in the river. I was in a constant battle with these people that would rather cause a red tide bloom and all the damage that does than have brown grass sometimes. Idiots. Never buy a home where it can be controlled by little Napoleons with nothing more to do than mind your business.


New law is 10 for rifles and 15 for handguns. The law is being challenged in both state and federal courts.


Thank you for the update :blush: good morning I hate Chicago stupid laws, I wish I could carry on public transport like a bus or the train concealed ready for action but first the governor of Illinois State must go!


I would never buy property that had any restrictions. It seems like people love giving up their rights

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Like I tell my brother, you pay someone to let you know if a dandelion is about to pop up in your yard!

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