Goodbye and best wishes to all y’all!

The title of the other thread is misleading. You really should check it out when you have time.

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Yeah, I remember that now.

How does that relate to using an up to date version of ios to access the internet, vs an out of date version?

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The latest and “greatest” may contain undesirable traits.

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I sympathize with your frustration over constant upgrades. I don’t think it’s anything new, though. My old analog TV no longer receives a signal. I can’t find any gas stations that sell leaded gasoline. Walmart doesn’t sell any new Atari games. I can’t find an 8-track player.

I do still fire black powder from time to time, though. That’s fun.


You are doing better than me. I can’t even find black powder. Only substitutes now.

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Black Powder is Sadly No Longer Made in America (

I still find Goex out there. Must be old stock?


Sure, it might, but unsecure outdated and unsupported software being relied on to secure your personal information definitely contains undesirable trains. :wink:




I’m dragging my feet on windows 11 :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


From what I have read its primary purpose is to support gaming. Probably some additional data mining going on also (IMHO).


Yup. We sent the first men to the moon using the equivalent computing power of a i486 (one generation before the first Pentium chip) computer. Planes and rockets were designed using slide rules and drafting desks.


I wonder how much that computer cost, and how many engineers it took to operate it



You make a great point. In no way is the infrastructure ready for what John Deere is proposing. There is just to much that would have to be done as prep work. I mean Manhattan Project level of effort and coordination to hit the target for 2023’s planting season.

I know a decent amount about industrial level farming. Hitting the sweet spot for Planting and Harvest is as much Art, as it is Science.

You also need to be able to get it done as fast as possible.

An author, I really enjoy, John Ringo, writes military Sci-Fi and one of his books has a lot of really interesting information about Industrial Farming.

This is one thing I ran into as a forensic accountant, for farmers, some of them get paid really large subsidies to not grow crops by the Federal Government. Plus you are not talking non-trivial amounts of money, for existing Industrial level Farm Equipment. On the Harvester Combine alone, that takes a significant logistics tail, especially when you are talking about it on an " Industrial Scale farm.

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