Does your state have Stand Your Ground or Castle Doctrine?

That’s the one I gave you. LOL

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OK, I need another coffee today, @Larry4! The link in your post didn’t work and I missed the statute number you included.

Those statues encompass Stand Your Ground and the Castle Doctrine principles. Stand your ground removes the duty to retreat (stated in that document) and castle doctrine is similar to stand your ground but applies to a person’s home, property and, in some states, cars or workplaces (also covered in that document).

Indiana already is a Castle Doctrine state and has stand your ground laws. :slight_smile:

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You may want to read here.

While you may not have an actual “Castle Doctrine” statute in place ID’s self defense statutes to amount to Castle Doctrine being in force.

I have the wonderful time to learn and train many weeks out of the year here in Florida, but the greatest problem is that there is not to many people know if Florida has THE CASTLE DOCTRINE or STAND YOUR GROUND LAWS. Can someone help me here, please ?

Thank you.

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Hi @William_H, the USCCA has an excellent reference here:

that indicates Florida has BOTH stand your ground, and castle doctrine.

on there I find this:

Florida is a Castle Doctrine state. Under Florida law, there is no duty to retreat if you are attacked in any place you have a lawful right to be. Instead, you may stand your ground and meet force with force, including deadly force, if you reasonably believe it is necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm to yourself or others.

The defense of persons statute:

Castle doctrine is in this statute:

I also found these links, and while some of them may not be too recent, they should give you some context:

and this on Stand Your Ground law in Florida:

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Thank you for all your hard work. I only could find a piece here and there. You are a


@William_H here are a couple other threads you may want to drop in on:

There are also some florida folk here who may be able to give you some insight @Nancy @wheelgunjimmy @Gary_H @Jack @HeatherLP … and some others


Thank you so much. Have a great and safe week to you and everyone.


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I find it pretty hard to believe people in FL are not aware that the state has both particularly with all of the major news stories that ran constantly about it during and after the Zimmerman/Martin incident and trial.

To inform them you can simply print off the statutes relevant to both and/or summaries from the USCCA, US Concealed Carry or any of the other pro carry sites that list summaries of each state’s laws.


I wish to thank you very much. I have been absorbing information on the
legal end of responsibilities’ that we have in our adventures of concealment
and carrying and my goal and desire is and has been to comfort people
here in my neighborhood. Another goal is to help bring into focus Situational
Awareness in my church community and homes.

Yes, you will run into some people that rather shoot first and they are blind
to the full picture of what comes next or just they push their responsivities’ out the window and think their above the laws of their state and payment for that attitude
is high.

In Florida, there is more than Disney and Mickey Mouse, we have many state prisons
in Florida, with many customers that have made terrible mistakes and are spending
the rest of their lives in prison.

I have been confused some, over areas in my on state about all the Laws and Gun Free
Zones that all of us are hearing every day, that I needed some help to understand
The Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground Laws here in this state.

I asked a small question to guide me and I received a ton of help from all of you and I am grateful for that and I am proud to be apart of this community and USCCA. Thank you again for your help.


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Honestly William all of these questions should have been covered in depth in your concealed carry class and as far as I’m concerned your instructor was grossly negligent if they didn’t and it appears obvious they did not.

Let me make a suggestion.

Find a USCCA Home Defense and Concealed Carry course in FL and take it. You will find the cost negligible and the training invaluable.

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My understanding in KY is that we have both a “stand your ground” and “castle” doctrine, and that said doctrine extends to your vehicle as well. Additionally, if you are found to have acted lawfully in a self defense situation then no civil judgements may be entered against you.

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I appreciate the ability to read about other state laws and how it work for you in your life. Thank you!

Sometimes it just doesn’t work the way we expect it to in a class… and there can be a lot of reasons for that. Should every student go away with no questions? Well that’d be ideal but I can’t think of ANY class I’ve ever taken where I had no more questions ever after. Sometimes it’s just a question of teacher/student fit or not enough sleep.

Some topics can take a while to really get where I feel I fully own the topic. The castle doctrine/stand your ground intersection can be murky in the laws, not just the classes.

@William_H is here doing the right thing - filling in the gaps in what he knows. William_H, I applaud you. Don’t let @wildrose get on your case :wink:

Even though I’m an instructor, I do go back and take classes over the same material from other people - it helps me fill in any holes, view things from different perspectives, and pick up additional approaches to use when I’m teaching. I am a fan of the USCCA teaching format, and this material is well covered there, so if you have someone offering a USCCA course near you, might be worth checking into.


MA states “no duty to retreat” in the home. Curtilage (outbuildings, garage) are not covered under Castle Doctrine here


Thank you!

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