Concealed Carry Law in Illinois

We The People has a holster mount that can be added to the center console of your car so that your firearm is within arms reach while driving. I’m curious if anyone has any insight to whether this is legal to install in Illinois with a valid CCL.


Hi Jake probably so in Illinois or you might need another permit . I’m glad I stay in Georgia we can have anything


Ditto here in Mississippi as well. I do have a friend who lives in Springfield and he had his pistol confiscated at a traffic stop even though he has a permit. He said the officer said he is supposed to tell him he is armed plus he doesn’t like the fact that non LEOs are carrying weapons so he confiscated it. My friend was able to pick it up at the station and told them he would be seeing them in court on his citation date but the officer withdrew the ticket(speeding). I told him he should sue anyway. He said he has an apology in writing and his gun back. He said he will just stay low now.


Welcome Jake20. States may differ. I’d not have it in vehicle open to view. Maybe cover it with a towel, or other cloth. Hopefully we can find some legal writings on this topic and share.


It is legal with concealed carry bur if you have only a FOID card it is not then it has to be out of reach (like in your trunk) unloaded with the ammo separated.


Here in Texas, I can have it on my hip in the vehicle or a shoulder holster in accordance with the open carry laws we currently have on the books. Just like when I am on my own land, the weapon can be concealed or displayed.

If the same weapon is not on my person, it must be out of sight. Not secured in a safe or holster. It does not have to be unloaded. It can be sitting on the seat next to me covered up with a used Whataburger napkin. As long as it cannot be seen, it’s all good.


I imagine one could email the ISP and ask.

But, here’s an exact excerpt sourced from: ISP PUBLIC SAFETY (430 ILCS 66/) FIREARM CONCEALED CARRY ACT:

“ Concealed firearm means a loaded or unloaded handgun carried on or about a person completely or mostly concealed from view of the public or on or about a person within a vehicle.

A license shall permit the licensee to:

(2) keep or carry a loaded or unloaded concealed firearm on or about his or her person within a vehicle ”


I interpret it as ‘keep it concealed’, to me if it’s in a tightly molded fittings cup holder holster, but covered, such as with a cloth, then it’s concealed. Make sure it stays covered until you ever need it. If police stop you, leave it covered unless police ask you otherwise, know how to act around a traffic stop, you do not want any officer to see you fumble about with your hands in your car at all.


Thank you Burdo, that is helpful.


The rule in IL is simple - if you have CCL permit, you can carry or keep loaded firearm in your car, as long as it is concealed (it clearly states - concealed, not partially concealed) - 430 ILCS 66/10.
What does it mean exactly? Usually, it depends on LEO’s interpretation, however I strongly recommend to fully conceal the firearm in the vehicle. If you don’t see it - you are good.

I’m not familiar with the holster you have mentioned, but right now you get the idea about mounting it in your car to be OK with the Law.


In IL.


@Jake20 Welcome to the community!

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I teach CPL Class in Southwest Michigan and students are always asking about Illinois Law. I refer them to the following Illinois State Police Website:

For out of State it is simple. Yes you can keep a loaded firearm on you and in your car. Just make sure you have a valid CCW permit or License from your resident state and don’t leave your car with it unless it is unloaded and you remain within an arms length of your car to lock it in your trunk. Keep your mag in your glove box.

If you are an Illinois resident - read the article


Go to All the info is there, statutes, regulations and laws pertaining to firearm ownership.

Statute states anyone with a CCL can have a firearm, loaded or unloaded on or about their person within a motor vehicle.

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This officer violated federal and state law in confiscating his weapon. In Illinois there is NO duty to inform of being armed on a simple traffic stop. (I would advise doing so however.)

As far as the officer’s attitude and conduct. What he likes or dislikes doesn’t matter to the law and I would imagine the threat of a civil rights lawsuit helped “adjust” his attitude.


Welcome Lee63.

I’d not seen that pamphlet before, looks new and includes segments which seem relevant since the new laws came out.

Good contributions to the post topic, thanks for taking that time. Good of you to include travelers from other states.

Be well.

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@Lee63 Welcome to the community!

There is another issue: Will the gun be located in a place that a person without a CCL can have access to it?


The gun would be right under my knee while driving, mostly concealed from view. I would take the gun and holster from the mount anytime leaving the vehicle.

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Thank you! The article doesn’t cover much of my question. I’m curious if I could drive with the gun attached to the mount that’s screwed into my center console.

The gun would be mostly concealed and not visible to the public due to the location of where it’s mounted and it would be within arms reach of me

I would take the gun with me whenever I left the vehicle and if I couldn’t take it with me, I’d remove it from the mount and store in secure lock box.

Wondering if that is legal? Illegal? I’m willing to bet it’s legal but there’s gray area in the law

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Are you an IL resident with valid CCL? Then yes, leaving the car with the firearm on you is legal.
Nothing changes for you, whether you are in or out of your car.