CNN just called the election

It’s technically called terrorism! Why we aren’t fighting it, is anyone’s guess!
If Trump manages to get re-elected, Portland et al will be a summer of Love! If Kamala wins (by 25th Amendment, as soon as Biden lifts his hand off the Bible), we’ll be eating dog with a side of rat by Easter! They haven’t conceded since 2016, stared a coup, when the media takes over a country, that’s communism! They don’t teach that in Socialistic journalism indoctrination centers! It’s their way or the highway, and the way I see it we’re heading for the on ramp!
As you can see, there’s no turning back!


IMO-2016 was the first presidential cycle I followed and it seemed all that was being put out there was doomsday if the “established” candidate was not elected. I have been following the 2020 presidential election cycle and its the same ole crap all over again. After this election cycle I am tuning out. I will continue to vote. Just a bunch of blather and political rhetoric.

Advance notice of the preplanned mail in ballots?


Pretty sad day when Al Jazeera seems like a better option than our own media… :roll_eyes:


We don’t get “TV.” Netflix and Prime or just stream what we want. I see the “news” only when I’m at a hotel and there is absolutely nothing else to do. We had this situation last night and tried to watch CBS, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, etc. They were all embarrassing. Realizing why people in our country are so nuts not a days is easily explained by not only the news, but the few shows that we tried to watch. No facts. No mental challenges at all. One stupid comment/show after another. We can (only) do better.

A song from my young adulthood was “The future’s so bright I have to wear shades.” My sunglasses are officially off…


And now Pelosi is already positioning Congress with the 25th amendment for how to remove an incompetent President. The msm was publicly aiming it towards Trump, but I think it is really and quietly aimed at Biden. A vote for Biden is really putting Komilla Harris in the front seat. If he wins, they’ll torch him as soon as he fumbles.


To perhaps gain some additional insight…

Both sides of the aisle are aligned, with one side most definitely deep, and the other so closely aligned, it raises questions on the ability of the Republic to survive.

Regarding Cultural Marxism, when I worked for the government back in the 80s, it was forced onto people, to create a hostile work environment and set the stage that has helped lead to some of the issues we see today.

Also good reading, The Love Letter to America. look it up.

The Decline of the American Republic - John Flynn
A good informative book, it was published over 50 years ago and I think was put back out in 2007 by the Ludwig von Mises Institute.


Anymore insight and I may go blind! Please tell me it doesn’t get any better than this. Soon will find out that the true leaders of the Illuminati, is actually the Trump family!

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I have not heard or seen this report of cnn calling the election…can you share the video or source?

Ben, it was on CNN. Sorry, I’m not wasting time looking for a link. The commentator was showing how many electoral votes were predicted to go for Biden. Edited–found it.

Yea, and they are building a carrier named after Hillary

Remember all the polls… 98% chance HRC wins? This is just more of that. Ignored.


Welcome to the community @Anthony149!


Thank you Jeff.


Welcome to the community
Train Hard and Stay Safe

Welcome to the family! @Anthony149 glad you’re here! I agree with you :100: %

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Polls are polls. Some are more accurate than others. It’s your choice whether you pay attention to them or not, but they’re not new and certainly not made up by CNN.


Welcome to the family! @PHILIP34 glad you’re here! I couldn’t agree with that more.

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The CNN map I looked at shows Trump 316 and Biden 221. I can make it more of a landslide by changing a few more states.


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Train Hard and Stay Safe