Are we getting a preview of what is going to happen?

Looks like Microsoft and/or CrowdStrike can shut us all down. Was it a screw up or a test or both? Things are getting weird.


eh, tech outages happen sometimes. Nothing new or unexpected here. And, we all already (ought to, anyway) know that the modern world works on the back of technology.

And it’s not like those companies or services are going to benefit from not being able to provide their service due to outage anyway
they don’t want to be down.

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They may have no reason would sabotage their own business but what about external hackers intent on disruption for economic or political purposes?


Isn’t that the whole point? Microsoft could control the banking industry, transportation, and anything else. How does anything get done without just those two. How many companies around the world depend on Microsoft to run their business, move their money around, keep track of incoming and outgoing product. Will your debit card work tomorrow, or will you need cash?

Microsoft/CrowdStrike wouldn’t have something this powerful worldwide unless it benefitted them. I’m not a conspiracy theorist but this one is easy to see. They just showed everyone how much control they have.


I’m sure big companies wouldn’t be big unless expanding and getting bigger expanded their profits, sure. But
is it a big problem that successful companies get bigger as a result of and to continue their success?

What is easy to see
are all large companies just automatically corrupt to the point of holding the word hostage? (even though none ever seem to have done that)


Very true, but now one company controls whether the others can operate. How long do you think it would take to convert to another system. Shut down the money to others and they WILL pay you to allow them to have some. I worked in the communications industry for a very long time. I have seen what a line of software can do. And it is not good!


I just don’t see Microsoft being a super villain company holding the world hostage blackmailing/extorting companies for a payoff to work.

because even if they tried that
it wouldn’t work well for them


Yea, we always think American companies are upstanding, I do, until they aren’t. I don’t understand why you would think it wouldn’t work for them. With control of most of our daily lives, they would quickly become our government or anyone elses. They can control any area of the world as they just showed. That is the bad side of technology. It’s all good until they decide to use it against you.

Not saying that they will, just saying that they can. Could they take out a city? How about Moscow? How about Bejing? How about Washington? Are they working for the government or themselves? My questions, looking for answers.


I’m pretty sure CrowdStrike is owned by Microsoft.

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Yeah I don’t think so.

There’s kind of some competition there
they wouldn’t make it

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I hope that “some kind of competition” doesn’t use Microsoft!

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Pretty sure the governments of the world aren’t going to all be taken over by Microsoft anytime soon

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Food for thought
.I read a book back in the early ‘90’s on Gates and Microsoft. In the book was a reference to an interoffice memo from Gates to Sr. Leadership that basically said “Microsoft’s not done, until Lotus won’t run.” Anyone here remember LOTUS 1-2-3 spreadsheet software, and where they ended up by the end of that same decade? Just saying


No, care to share?

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Yep, I remember lotus. It went away pretty quick. Microsoft and Apple are the main players these days and Apple is just a pesky nat to Microsoft.


Short story: Lotus was surpassed by Microsoft in the early 1990s, and never recovered.


So microsoft had a competitor and microsoft out competed them long ago?

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That is basically it, but at the time, I believe Lotus was one of the premium software companies for money management. It has been a long time and I never kept track of it. Maybe because I never had much money to control!


They did out compete them and they have out competed practically everyone with respect to computer software. Does that make them more powerful? Does that make any future intentions good? Is there anyone else out there that could affect practically the whole world with a 1 or 0? There are no longer any true competitors to Microsoft. They could effectively shut down the world with a single “1”.

That is power and we all know what that does.


What we are saying here is, When you have 100% access and control over the operating system that a huge percentage of all of the software on the planet runs on, you have the worlds gonads in the palm of your hand.