AR-15 used in church shooting - to stop the shooter

@Randall318 Please let us not have any problems today everyone. You all know what to do, if you’re not sure or any concerns please read your Community Guidelines.


@Randall318 - political discussion is welcome in the USCCA Community, as long as it’s respectful. You can posts completely against the Second Amendment if you believe that, as long as your discussion is respectful and you’re willing to deal with a lot of questions. :slight_smile:

My comment about taking the high road is that we’re not resorting to name-calling, personal attacks or overall “slimy” behavior because we don’t agree with someone.

Glad to have you here!


I’m beyond amazed to be apart of the community,

I almost messaged @Zee to see where you have been…
but then a lot happened… I’ll inbox you!

I don’t know what I would do honestly without the USCCA! I don’t joke when saying you guys are a second family.

Anybody who knows me…knows I love this company, the people and that goes for staff, Instructors like @Dawn @Zee , community members like @Robert8 @45IPAC and gosh I would be here all day ALL OF YOU, network attorneys such as @MikeBKY and @Tom_Grieve

God Bless each of you and Merry Christmas!

  • List item

@Randall318 Thank you Randy, well I want to wish you and your wife a very happy and safe Christmas Season and Happy 2020 to you and your family. Things will be fine with a little time for both of you.
As always if you have anything on your mind let me know. Thank You for your kind words.
Bob Murphy


This is one of the few places where talks about numerous subjects can be raised and be discussed with civility and respect. It is a wonderful community to be a part of.



Firstly that you have always taken the time to check up on me especially pertaining to mine and Leah’s child that is with the LORD!
Although with much regret I must inform you that Leah has other arrangements and it’s not with me. I must emphasize that her irresponsible choices do not make her a bad person.

Yes, it’s crazy, I had to delete myself from some firearms groups because they constantly fought themselves…
On the sameside fighting one another.


I’ve been lurking… :wink: I’m always here but not always commenting.

Thanks for the inbox message! Hope you have a great Christmas if I don’t interact directly with you before then (but I probably will :wink: ).


Are we really surprised that socialists say these things…of course he doesn’t want Constitutionalists to have firearms; we would then be able to defend ourselves against tyranny.