America the incredible

America The Incredible

Creating “a more perfect union” is the stated purpose of the US Constitution. This warning salvo fired across the bow of tyranny and illiberalism has at least two implications; 1) As a nation, we were moving away from something that was less perfect, which was a tyranny of an unrestrained, abusive monarchy; and 2) The process is continual, ongoing, ever moving toward, even if never reaching, perfection.

In the eighteenth-century, the very notion that “We the People” were the ones in power was unthinkable. Even the king in the musical Hamilton, pondering George Washington’s willingly stepping away so John Adams could take over as President, sang “I wasn’t aware that was something a person could do.” The very idea of America and the covenantal relationship articulated in our constitution had never been tried. It has been called “The Great Experiment.”

And our great experiment has created great results.

To be fair, we still have a lot of work to do as we move toward a more perfect union. The repercussions of slavery continue to echo through our culture. There is more work to do on gender equality in the workplace. Healthcare is too expensive and inaccessible for too many Americans. The violence that plagues our cities, growing out of the hopelessness of a godless life narrative, poverty and the breakdown of families, must be addressed in a healthy, sustainable way.

Yet for all our imperfections, these United States of America, sixth in the world in terms of GDP, continue to be among the top three percent of the most prosperous, healthy, free nations, with western-style republican democracy, modeled by the U.S., overwhelmingly representing the top ten nations by the same measures in the history of civilization. For this, men and women have served and fought and died. Never forget.

We will not move toward an even more perfect union by dismantling constitutional law, as some foolishly advocate, or by force-feeding politically acceptable speech and beliefs into our culture’s ever-increasingly-vacuous crania. We move toward a more perfect union by embracing what has worked, and improving, through all the constitutionally-defined processes available to us, what has not worked.

For all our nation’s imperfections, the other systems of government simply pale in comparison.

I sign off with one of my favorite quotes from Sir Winston Churchill:

“Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…”

      -Winston S Churchill, 11 November 1947

Happy Memorial Day


In honor of those who fought for our freedom until their dying breath, we remember and thank them on this Memorial Day. Thank You… :saluting_face:


But PLEASE NEVER FORGET SFC Matt Rierson (Delta) A Special Brother, Trainer, Armorer and Friend (Died (2) days later in a Mortar Attack) Got the news when I woke up. Devastating
**Silver Star
**Bronze Star
**Purple Heart.
(He was left off the list for a long time because he didn’t Die on the prescribed date of Battle.)
Major Gen. William F. Garrison Corrected that ommission.

Name Action Medal(s) Awarded (Posthumously)
Operators of the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta
MSG Gary Ivan Gordon Killed defending Super Six-Four 's crew Medal of Honor, Purple Heart[71]
SFC Randy Shughart Killed defending Super Six-Four 's crew Medal of Honor, Purple Heart[71]
SSG Daniel Darrell Busch Sniper on crashed UH-60 Helicopter Super Six-One, mortally wounded defending the downed crew Silver Star, Purple Heart[134]
SFC Earl Robert Fillmore, Jr. Killed moving to the first crash site Silver Star, Purple Heart[135]
MSG Timothy Lynn Martin Mortally wounded by an RPG on the Lost Convoy, died while en route to a field hospital in Germany Silver Star, Purple Heart[136]
SFC Matthew Loren Rierson Killed by stray mortar shell that landed near him 6 October, two days after the initial raid Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart[137]
Soldiers of the 3rd Ranger Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment
CPL James “Jamie” E. Smith Killed around crash site one Bronze Star Medal with Valor Device and Oak leaf cluster,
Purple Heart[138][139]
SPC James M. Cavaco Killed on the Lost Convoy Bronze Star with Valor Device, Purple Heart[140]
SGT James Casey Joyce Killed on the Lost Convoy Bronze Star with Valor Device, Purple Heart[140]
CPL Richard “Alphabet” W. Kowalewski, Jr. Killed on the Lost Convoy by an RPG Bronze Star with Valor Device, Purple Heart[141]
SGT Dominick M. Pilla Killed on Struecker’s convoy Bronze Star with Valor Device, Purple Heart[141]
SGT Lorenzo M. Ruiz Mortally wounded on the Lost Convoy, died en route to a field hospital in Germany Bronze Star with Valor Device, Purple Heart[141]
Pilots and Crew of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment
SSG William “Wild Bill” David Cleveland, Jr. Crew chief on Super Six-Four, killed Silver Star,
Bronze Star,
Air Medal with Valor Device, Purple Heart[142]
SSG Thomas “Tommie” J. Field Crew chief on Super Six-Four, killed Silver Star,
Bronze Star,
Air Medal with Valor Device, Purple Heart
CW4 Raymond “Ironman” Alex Frank Super Six-Four 's copilot, killed Silver Star,
Air Medal with Valor Device, Purple Heart[143]
CW3 Clifton “Elvis” P. Wolcott Super Six-One 's pilot, died in crash Distinguished Flying Cross,
Bronze Star,
Air Medal with Valor Device, Purple Heart[142]
CW3 Donovan “Bull” Lee Briley Super Six-One 's copilot, died in crash Distinguished Flying Cross,
Bronze Star,
Air Medal with Valor Device, Purple Heart[144]
Soldiers of the 2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade, 10th Mountain Division
SGT Cornell Lemont Houston, Sr.
1st Platoon, C Company, 41st Engr BN Member of the “Lost Platoon”. Wounded by shrapnel from an RPG whilst recovering a severely wounded Malaysian soldier on the rescue convoy.[145] Also shot in the leg and chest.[146] Died of wounds at Landstuhl Army Regional Medical Center.[147] Bronze Star with Valor Device,
de Fleury Medal, Purple Heart[148]
PFC James Henry Martin, Jr. Member of 2nd Squad, 2nd Platoon, Company A.[149] Killed on the rescue convoy by a bullet to the head.[146] Purple Heart[150]

(19) DEAD (91) Wounded (7+) Suicides
Thank you all for your Service :us:


National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, Hawaii
Or Punchbowl Cemetery, at the time this award winning photo was taken.


Gregory Phillip Helsley, My X-Wife’s Brother. All they got back from Viet Nam was his Dog Tags.
Rest in Peace my brother.


and all Vet’s Thank you for your Service
Tough Weekend.


I will always honor our active service members and our veterans, both alive and those who have fallen. It’s a lesson I have also taught my kids and they have taken it to heart.

If not for those who serve, our freedoms would not be protected. So, thank you all for your service and all the sacrifices you have made, for some the ultimate sacrifice.

As small a thing as it is, you will always have my respect and my gratitude.