Soros got a PhD from the London School of Economics.
As twisted as he is politically about being an open borders globalist, he is no dope about how to make money if being a multibillionaire is any gauge. .
Soros got a PhD from the London School of Economics.
As twisted as he is politically about being an open borders globalist, he is no dope about how to make money if being a multibillionaire is any gauge. .
I can imagine the plans they have for the areas they burned to the ground in Hawaii and LA. Newsome was weaving back and forth, wetting his pants at the tought of it when he was interviewed.
I respect your opinion but I will say this: if the south had won its fight for independence I’d still choose to live in the relatively rural south rather than the industrialized north.
I have no qualms Brother for living in either the North or South.
I’m not an Abe Lincoln sympathyser)
All of AMERICA is precious to me. Honestly.
BUT I will NEVER (if I ever moved) move to another Blu City in this current climate.
The STUPIDITY is off the charts. And especially a Northern Blu city.
How anyone can think an Invasion of Illegals
are ‘Their CITIZENS’ or ‘Their People’ is an insult to any IMMAGRANT who did it by the numbers
and acclimated to the Country instead of expecting the country to acclimate to them Dio Meo that’s just sh!t stoopid,
As for the UN-Civil War (which is why you brought this up, NEITHER SIDE SHOULD HAVE FOUGHT EACH OTHER (MOO!) Mistakes were made on both sides, The INVASION by the North
was THE BONEHEAD MOVE OF ALL THIS. How any Virginian could have sat idly by and let this happen (and they didn’t) folk’s did not know Virginians at all then (and CLEARLY old Abe had no clue). The South KNEW they didn’t have he numbers (BUT THEY HAD THE HEART AND ‘THE CAUSE’ and they almost WON!)
The only reason I said above is Abe HAD to stop the rebellion. He had NO CHOICE, he saw an attack on his presidency and had ‘to do something’. Pride goeth before the fall) (He made a mistake on how)
but I’m not privy to his discussions w/ military brass (but he clearly was given bad intel)
The only thing I know is atrocities could have been avoided IF both sides could have continued to TALK instead of pick up ARMS.
Today, is same same, if the losing party would take a step back and see the climate of the American people is with OUR President and not their failed innitiatives maybe they can avoid a second Civil War. After all it’s not the Parrty leaders who will be doing the fightin’’ and dyin’ (it never is). But Soros is pushing them to fight. to REMAKE America into Nazi Germany Part Deux.
I apologize to the community for this being IN QUOTES but it had to be answered here.
Wise Words!!
Probably no one cares…but I work in the process improvement business. Many customers ask why we need goals. I always tell them the same thing. so that we know when to stop working (or at least transition to maintenance mode).
Full disclosure. I’m putting that one in my catalog one liners.
I’m already on a plant based diet. Sugar’s Beeves eat plants, we eat Sugar’s Beeves.
When I was a young’n I watched a documentary on phake phood. I will NOT be eating phake meat!
The title of the documentary was “Soylent Green”. The BGs won in that documentary…
I misunderstood what it was that Lincoln was right, about.
As to the ‘Phake Meat’ I won’t be eating that either
So much is unknown still and my view? EVIL is making it for us.
( just like soylent green) too close to the movie for me.
The fact that what they say McDonalds is doing (and I won’t go into that here
is bad enough to never go there (EVER!)
It’ll come out ‘The TRUTH will set you free!’
We are finally AWARE of just what Gates/Soros and others think of us and a plate of bugs ain’t it! How can any rational human eat bugs—Skeletons ain’t proteins!
I eat Organic Veggies now (is that a con also? I don’t know—I feel better
As for ‘Honest’ Abe? who knows, if I was born in another life back then they wiped my memory clean and I have no recall, but that is what I feel happened. I’ve ‘heard’ folk’s tried to rewrite history (like they’re attempting now) Pudding was a great pResident! All I know is the
Virginia part is accurate because I’ve worked in Virginia and folk’s are still smarting about what happened in the 1800’s…That’s a long time to hold a grudge.
I wouldn’t get into a dee discussion about because I don’t know the facts well enough bruh.