Bug out. It isn’t my bag.
And stay and help if you can be of help. MAGA
If I work my butt off to not go to places where bad things happen, when they’re likely to happen, with problematic people…why on earth would I insert myself in someone else’s argument, which I know nothing about. What if they’re two armed druggies fighting over money ro drugs? either would shoot me, then rob me. With no reliable and verifiable data, I’m “noping” right outta there.
Me either, by the time I opened my phone, found the camera app and figured out how to video, it would be over.
Pro tip: Learn how to video without unlocking your phone (I read opened as unlocked)
You can video without unlocking so that even if this that or the other happens, and someone ends up with your phone, they can’t access it.
Great point.^^^^^
Me personally if the parking complex has security call them. Only reason being I wouldn’t want someone in another vehicle not noticing this and possibly hitting one or both subjects. I would stay back observe until security arrived and then let them know you are the who called.
Bouncing and security work means you got to break up a lotta fights.
When I see things like that, I just walk over and stand next to them or over them, whatever the case may be, and shout at the top of my lungs, “Knock it off! G#ddamn you! Break it up! Get lost! You two a##holes take that b#llshit somewhere else! NOBODY CARES! Break it up and get lost! Both of ya – NOW!”
They usually pee themselves and do as I command.
Sometimes they’re walking away or gathering up themselves and looking back at me, as if to say, “Dude, who the f#ck are you?!”
Done that a hundred times to folks scrappin’ on the streets and in the clubs and casinos. Works every time. It’s all in the voice. Ya got to get the voice down pat and make it sound like you’re a Marine Corps drill sergeant. They’ll listen.
I sing rock and roll and show tunes for fun. If you have problems hearing me – you’re deaf. When I get done shouting, their ears are ringing for a coupla weeks.
Some of you know me a teensy bit here, so you can probably guess I don’t call cops on people. I don’t want to see anyone’s life ruined over a little dust-up.
Ironically, if you ever saw me, you’d think I was a cop. I actually look like a cop. Lol. People always think i’m a cop. I suppose that helps.
Oh thanks a lot. Now I have to go change my pants.
I almost spilled wine on my keyboard
Drink faster…
You can avoid this by wearing kilt
Cat fights are the absolute worst. Best not to get in the middle of it. Once the ladies start, they don’t stop and they’re out for blood. Vicious is just what they are. The author of this thread ain’t exaggeratin’ even a little bit. He probably downplayed the violence, left out gory detail. They both want a piece of each other bad.
I never leave out the gory details.
Once, working a popular strip club in Whiskeyconsin in the mid-90s, just after closing, two of the strippers who were well known for hating each other with a passion took to fighting in the parking lot in front of the guests as everyone was leaving.
By the time myself and some others had arrived to start breaking it up, one girl was completely naked, a bunch of her hair ripped out, nose broken and bleeding, bleeding scratches and gouges all over her body and her right hand fake fingernails – all of them – busted off right down to the quick and gushing blood. Two guys had to grab her hand and peel it off her enemy. She would not let go for nothing. A couple of the broken nails sticking out of the other girl’s skin.
The other girl was left standing in her heels and a skirt. Naked from the waist up, hair ripped up and sticking out everywhere, blood coming out of her mouth. Shins kicked up and gouged.
But they still didn’t want to quit. Pure hatred for each other.
Once separated, I gave the naked girl my T-shirt and escorted her to her Mercedes. She started to calm down and drove off after a bit.
The other left with some friends.
The following week they both returned to work like nothing happened. The boss told them to steer clear of each other. They still hated each other, but did as they were told.
Guys? Not too much of a problem. A lot of posturing, yelling back and forth, maybe a punch-up, maybe not. And often they become friends and drink together.
Ladies? Fo’getaboutit! To the bone! To the knife! To the death!
I am not Scottish…
I’ve been there. A friend asked my to be a bouncer one night cause he knew I enjoyed a good scrap. With guys, you’re right- a little cuss, cuss, push, push, maybe a punch or 2 and ejection. Not having ever interceded in a cat fight, I went in a tad early and IMMEDIATELY knew I was in trouble. Both of them stopped fighting, looked at each other with a “Let’s kill him first” look in their eye and came at me. I retreated at high speed and went toi stand next to my friend who had asked me to bounce that night. He’s 6’4" and 240 lbs and gave me a bit of wisdom that I have paid heed to right up to this day: “It’s best to let them get a bit winded before you step in.”
Rock on! You got this. Enjoy!
Truth right there. People are so friggin crazy these days. I would never insert myself into that situation and wouldn’t want a partner to either. Just too risky. So much of the world has gone completely BSC. There’s no regard for life, even if you are there to help.
Just like going to the range, you should practice before the need arises.