What would you do

I love that, is that available on Amazon?
Seems it would take care of my solicitor problem!

Holy sh@t, problem solved!



This looks like a handy-dandy Halloween decoration, to discourage thieves, vandals, and other assorted creepy-crawlies from entering your property. As the British say, " Well-played, chum!".


The Bloody “Walking Dead” handprints are a nice touch… :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:

But the real question is , is that an unused ‘Toe Tag’ hanging from the door handle?

You were not a failure. I am not sure how you arrived at that, you resolved the situtation without anyone getting hurt or shot. The only thing I would have done differently is call the police.

He may have been no threat to you, due to your effectively handling the situation, but he might not be to someone else. Further, if he is as you described, then it sounds like he could use some medical/mental assistance, food, homeless shelter, etc.

The other issue is if he later called the police stating you pointed a handgun at him. The police would now be investigating you.


You did a terrific job sir. Well done. You had fire discipline and sound judgment. This is an example of just how to handle just such a situation. Thank you for sharing that with us.

Edit: I agree with other members regarding calling the police. Call 911 right away. We never want to be the second person to report a use of force incident.


Dealers choice :grinning:


Reminds me of the movie Robocop.


I think you handled everything correctly. You know where the weakness is in your home and I’m taking corrective measures so don’t beat yourself up

He could have turned the man over to the police but not knowing your area that you live in they may have not helped the man at all since he sounded from your description that he needed possible mental help.


You did well with your situation. Kentucky’s self defense laws would protect someone in that situation if they did shoot, but, humanity is also a precious thing and by judiciously maintaining your weapon at ready but not firing you saved yourself, and the intruder, a lot of misery.

Deadly force should always be considered as the last resort!


I had a situation last night, I was loading laundry at the laundromat facing the door, I see this large man on a bike appear, the door opens, I see a mask on his face, instant PSTD flash back to my robberies, and then I came too, and he started rounding the corner.

Luckily I realized who he was , a well known homeless person.

But I knew if I was to draw on him, he’d probably step forward and try to beat the crap out of me, thank god I didn’t draw.

He was already having a bad day, and it was gonna make my day bad.


Dog? :white_check_mark:
Ready to shoot but finger not on trigger? :white_check_mark:
Gun at the ready until situation was over? :white_check_mark:

Exactly how I would have handled it. I respect other takes on this and might learn a thing or two.



How you have not moved from where you live is one of the great mysteries of life. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I was talking to a lady pharmacist at the store the other day and we kinda put it like this.
People shooting up drugs, pooping on the sidewalk, hanging the wang in public, pan handling, being aggressive, guns going off, police etc. has become, well, normal for us. It’s like we’re just conditioned to accept that that’s normal and how things are.


Remember one basic principle of the combat mindset - You MUST learn to expect the unexpected! I adopted this whenever I was driving, as well as in my working and private life. When you enter a public place or a store or any restaurant, enter as if you OWN it, without behaving like an UPITA. With the deluge of human jetsam and flotsam now ruining this country and wasting our resources, there are any number of gold-plated prks and aholes who can hardly wait their chance to get over on you. And it’s going to get WORSE for our descendants - humanity is a failed experiment!


I have taken the position that these are not Their Streets, these are Our Streets. I refuse to be afraid of Them. I refuse to cower in my condo. I will walk these streets day or night with my head held high. I’m watching and I’m ready. The longer we go, the more deeply we let them get their disgusting tenicles the more difficult it will be to get our streets back.


…and palm on the grip, strapped to my hip…

I’ll quit right there!


Well not always on it but…


Just like a cowboy should do.


A few more lines and a fiery guitar riff and we could have a number one hit!