this makes me wonder–
you get a Tesla because you know it can drive itself up to the hotel at the Trump Tower
this makes me wonder–
you get a Tesla because you know it can drive itself up to the hotel at the Trump Tower
Special forces need to be highly educated in physics to the point they know what is possible and impossible. Anti gravity is impossible. Such training would also enhance their effectiveness. Is there a possibility that this man was gaslighted to think the FBI or DHS was tailing him ? Has the body in the truck been 100 % indentified??
@Mike380 welcome to the family
Welcome to the community! Pretty sure FBI is still investigating and waiting for results on dental records.
What I have found interesting is that the Las Vegas Trump Tower suspects manifesto has been released in its entirety in less than a week.
The Nashville School shooters Manifesto has still “NOT” been released in its entirety and is still being litigated on appeal even though the Judge ordered it’s release immediately.
Las Vegas: Released in full in 5 days, suspect is allegedly a “right wing ideologue”.
Nashville: Still being litigated, suspect is allegedly a “left wing ideologue”.
Not claiming anything but it is interesting.
Thank you.
@Mike380 Welcome! Glad you are here.
I just want to state this from the deepest depths of my being, I don’t care what your problems are from combat, I would never ever consider turning against the country I served for to try and hurt her or the people I swore an oath to protect and defend. It just sickens me that soldiers would now turn against their oath and their God to serve another to hurt our country and her people. If you are one who would even of a flake consider this, You are my enemy!